Does Ming to sensation(no fantacies) count as a relapse?

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ Triptonicmaph
I wonder if doing so will increase my reboot time ??

There's no clear answer to this. It's an individual thing and your choice. It's recommended to avoid orgasm for a period of time if you have PIED.

Check out this post - Basics of Rebooting


Active Member
Ohh now it is more clear. Thank you, but I do not have PIED but I am practicing no PMO anyway because apparently ED is only the "tip of the iceberg" and I feel like I'm addicted to P and get turned on by pixels only.  Is this true? Should someone without ED but a P user, try no PMO?

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ Triptonicmaph
Should someone without ED but a P user, try no PMO?

Yes. You are right ED is the last stage... If you have an addiction or have sexually conditioned your brain (sensitization) you still need to reboot. So if you have wired your arousal in any way to pixels and not a person a reboot is for you.

Many rebooters say they experience other benefits other than sexual function and desire. Most common improvements are increased confidence, motivation, and energy.

Hope the best for your reboot. Much love