The Porn Beast Was Preying On My Marriage

We had 25 years of great sex nearly every day. With having 11 kids, no one could say my wife and I were lacking in the sex department. Even with my consistently strong sex drive, I rarely had to masturbate but maybe one or two times per year. Everyone around us knew I just thoroughly enjoyed growing old with my wife and that she was great at taking care of me.

I did have numerous and lengthy business trips, but taking care of myself was actually good being that my mind was strongly on my wife while doing it. Certainly kept me out of trouble particularly in those Far East countries where business deals are often celebrated with drink & prostitutes. On the plane home, I was always an anxious wreck and constantly having to reposition my erection that was anticipating my wife's very welcoming vagina. "You just got home! Can't we spend some time cuddling?" "NO! We cuddle later." And as was our ritual, my wife smiled while I unloaded weeks of pent up sex drive that my own hand could never satisfy like my wife could. We would have to go at it several times over the course of a night and again the next morning. By day 2 or 3 of this, I would finally be satisfied enough to cuddle. We would then be in our normal daily routine until the next trip usually months away.

I remember a man telling me just before I got married at 22 that when he and his wife married, he never would have imagined that sex could ever get better than when in their 20s. Now 20 years later, he could confidently say that sex in their 40s was profoundly better. That truth was something I looked forward to and I discovered that he was 100% right. Sex just got better and better for us until...the menopause.

Menopause hit my wife like a train. The horrific pain and constant bleeding like a never ending period. With it came the arthritis in her hands and feet. She felt so bad and hurt so bad that I mostly couldn't touch her. The pain in her hands made it where she couldn't even wrap her hand around my aching erection. So we figured I would have to do myself when days were difficult for her. Stroking beside her and not able to caress or hold the only woman I've ever had sex with was not fun, but we made the best of it. We would go weeks without true intercourse. My wife cried for she knew it had to be difficult for me. Night after night with my semen on my chest, I'd tell her how much I loved her. But, I was slowly slipping. The pictures of women in ads on the TV and then the internet were looking better and better.

I hadn't a pornography problem up until that time. My semenarche at age 12 was what it should be for the moment a boy becomes a young man. All through those junior high and high school years and even college, I was exposed to very little pornography. And what I had seen, though some images were burned into my brain, I never masturbated to them. Instead, I masturbated to the knowledge that one day I would be married and have tons of sex. Most of my friends masturbated with the same knowledge. A few got into pornography and others over involved with girls they knew they would never marry. Most all of us had our own healthy sexual releases by hand. Only one friend started having problems getting erect when he masturbated, but we had no idea why. Only later did we learn that he was involved in some crazy sex and a lot of lusting. We didn't know why that caused him erection problems. We just understood that it did and took it as a personal warning.

So when marriage finally came for me just days after I graduated college, I was ready to spend 100% of my sexual releases with my wife. And boy, the waiting was definitely worth every jack off to keep me from getting girlfriends pregnant. I knew going into marriage that I had an unusually high sex drive and to marry a woman who was eager to satisfy me was most certainly God showing that He knew what I needed and He certainly provided!

My wife and I became very close very quickly. For us it seemed that our honeymoon never ended and it still feels that way today after more than three decades together. I attribute our unity to my high sex drive, my wife wanting to take care of me in that way, and that neither of us came into our marriage with sexual baggage needing to be dealt with. We learned to deeply love each other and thrill with each other's bodies; we learned sex together. We know without a shadow of doubt that the difficulties we went through together such as the deaths of two of our children not to mention the insanity of intrusive and intentionally divisive in-laws, our physical unity carried us through as we together fought to survive.

At the end of my wife's peri menopausal period which lasted six years, I obtained a new business arrangement in February that required me for the first time be away from my wife as I commuted on the weekends. We had never been in this situation before where I was to be away during the week, four nights straight alone in my apartment anticipating the three nights with my wife on the next weekend. We knew I would have to do what I always did before on business trips. I would have to masturbate to relieve my intense sex drive. This time, however, porn had entered the mix.

But by February, I was already experiencing problems. For two or three months I was having to stroke myself during sex to keep it up. It was getting to where I had to use my hand to get myself to the point of no return since I was no longer able to get there in my wife's vagina alone.

Things got much worse after a few weeks in the new business arrangement. I began finding myself immersing in porn to get the dopamine going. What was  hardcore in my teens, missionary position intercourse, was now where I started. And it just progressed from there. Slowly the porn beast began introducing stronger themes such as two men doing a woman and even a woman and a man doing a man.

Equally sinister this somehow began to make me subconsciously wonder if I 'measured up,' something I had never thought of before. Was my erection as big as his? Was my problem causing my wife to wonder if another man would be better for her than me? Just crazy thoughts that my personality is not used to considering. But, the worst of it was that my brain wasn't firing properly during sex. Even masturbation during the week became a chore.

Then one Sunday night, sex became so difficult for me that I had to use what I now know is called the "death grip." After achieving the ejaculation, I told my sad and concerned wife, "I know its in my head. I just don't know for sure what it is."

I had a great marriage. Sex had been profound for decades. And many friends have told me over and again how fortunate I was to have such a strong unity with my wife with whom I had great sex. So why did I seem to place my marriage in jeopardy by allowing myself to engage in porn? What was I thinking when I had what many men only dream of: a wife who loved me and wanted to take care of my needs particularly my sexual needs? It wasn't intentional. It wasn't because I was dissatisfied with my wife. It was just not realizing that porn was just another attack on our marriage, something that wanted to divide us.

Somehow I picked up the book I had bought two years ago called "The Brain That Changes Itself." I started where I had left off many months earlier. It was chapter 4, "What Neuroplacisity Teaches Us About Sexuality And Love." Then I found the website, YourBrainOnPorn. Then I knew it. What I had wondered about was, indeed, true. I had allowed something, namely pornography, to rewire my brain. Signals in the brain mapping that had worked for me for 42 years since I was twelve I was now neglecting.  I was passively viewing sex on a screen instead of masturbating to the memory of sex I knew so well with my wife. And a myriad of sexual problems that I had never personally known up until then were crashing down on me. Now I knew why. My viewing of porn was allowing a dangerous beast to seize my marriage by devouring my brain and genitals. My sexuality was being eaten alive.

Once I realized that viewing pornography was actually hindering my ability to satisfy my wife, that it was seriously threatening the powerful unity of our marriage, that as the head of our marriage and family, I am the man and I alone am the only one who can defeat the enemy and win the battle, it was then that my pair grew huge for I wanted to rise up as the man and conquer this beast that threatened my marriage and family; I would defeat it by being the man.

I always before had thoroughly enjoyed establishing my territory and defeating anything and everyone who challenged it. What man wouldn't want the opportunities to destroy that which threatens what is his? Am I a hopelessly patriarchal man? Yep and anyone who challenges it never forgets the weight of who I am as a man--and my wife loves it.

As of this writing, I'm on day 5 and the beast of porn is already feeling the weight of me, the man who is jealous for his wife. I abstained from masturbating and didn't view any porn this week. In that short amount of time, I could sense a change. And last night, my wife and I thrilled at the beginnings of the return of me as I pumped my eager load into my very grateful and loving companion of 31 years. I'm coming home holding up the head of the beast.



Staff member
IMHO, a true man is able to control his sex drive and use it as he sees fit, not the other way around. It sounds like you've stepped up to that challenge. I've been 100% abstinent for over 18 months and I'm not unhappy with this situation. It's not that I don't want sex, I do want it, but like yourself I want sex as part of a partnership, not as a quickie at the end of a casual date.
Thanks for that reply. Encouraging. I tip my hat to you who don't have a wife. I told my wife last night during the afterglow of our first great sex in a while that I don't know how you all do it. Appreciate your fortitude. One question: When you say you are abstinent, are you masturbating but not having sex or no ejaculations period?

One thing I've noticed is that I can actually tell when dopamine starts up in the wrong place in my head vs when it is about my wife. That sense helps me determine when my mind is straying. Real cool.


Staff member
MontanaMan said:
Thanks for that reply. Encouraging. I tip my hat to you who don't have a wife. I told my wife last night during the afterglow of our first great sex in a while that I don't know how you all do it. Appreciate your fortitude. One question: When you say you are abstinent, are you masturbating but not having sex or no ejaculations period?

One thing I've noticed is that I can actually tell when dopamine starts up in the wrong place in my head vs when it is about my wife. That sense helps me determine when my mind is straying. Real cool.
No masturbation since 12/29/2012 and no desire to masturbate either. There is no physical need for sexual release; that is basically folk wisdom and it's incorrect.

What you describe probably isn't a dopamine reaction, it's more likely a jolt of adrenaline, the excitement of the illicit, as in porn. It will go away.

I can't tell you how thankful I am to be free.
Before I forget the power of these last 2 days, I have to write it down. Normally as per my routine, the Monday I arrive in the city where I work, I'll masturbate that night and Wednesday nights at my apartment for sure. Half the time I'll also masturbate on Tuesday night. Rarely do I do the deed on Thursday nights looking forward to sex with my wife on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

This week I decided not to masturbate and see what would happen. Being that I would get home on Wednesday night rather than on my normal Friday arrival, I thought I could make it to Wed without jacking it. For those of you who don't have to ejaculate but a few times per week, a man like me who has ejaculated nearly every day for 42 years (since I was 12), the prospect of just 2 days of abstinence was daunting. Even my wife of over 3 decades wondered if that was wise. I just told her, "I'm going to do it and see if no pornography and no masturbating will help me even more to get through this." "Well, OK. Just don't get yourself in trouble, please." 

Well, I made it. The great thing was that on Monday I could actually sense the lure to get dopamine started in the place in my brain that was not where it occurs when I am sexually coming onto my wife. My addiction was to reach for the porn as a matter of habit. Noticing that it was the wrong place in my head, I could stop. It came up time and again for those 3 days, but I stopped in mid reach of the mouse, so to speak. What happened was that my sex drive started up in the right place in my brain! It felt great!

I guess for those of you who are in total abstinence during reboot, I think even touching your penis is forbidden as a goal. But for me, I have been stroking my penis to erection nearly every night since I was a kid. Only in months past had I been thinking porn thoughts while doing it. All the rest of those more than four decades of night stroking, I've done it simply because of the pleasure, I guess. So, Monday & Tuesday night I stroked to the familiar thoughts of sex with my wife and fell asleep in sexually correct horny bliss.

Wednesday came and because of cancellations and itinerary changes, I got home near midnight. My wife was very sleepy so I told her (for the first time in our marriage after being away) that we would just cuddle. I don't think she thought I could really do that. So, I held her close and stroked her soft skin and followed those wonderful feminine curves and kissed my wife of over three decades. There was no pressure to perform, just feeling each other. And since I've slept in the bare from age 12, my wife as full access to my wonderfully enlarging penis--the very one she has grown to know and be so very thankful for as from it we are one and from it we have our nine surviving children who are now having their own children. Our life as she has known it couldn't have been possible without my erect penis. And so, my wife lovingly caressed the very penis that has brought her and me so much joy.

We didn't have intercourse Wednesday night and I didn't ejaculate. It was the first time I think in our entire marriage that we didn't have sex in that type of situation making it three nights without me ejaculating. Thus, my sex drive skyrocketed by the next day.

Without revealing the personal details, keeping private my wife's physical and emotional reactions the next evening's sex, I will say that I got very hard and she was very ready for me. Foreplay was great and extended and I could sense the correct channels for dopamine were opened in my brain. I worked and I worked great. The release was almost like my usual gushing in the years prior to porn. In fact, I could sense that area of my brain where the porn-induced dopamine gets fired off was stagnant. Everything was towards my wife I've known sexually for nearly 32 years. And my wife as so very glad.

Maybe it sounds like I've arrived at the end of this effort. I know I have not. My 90 day goal of no porn is what I want. Really what I want is no porn ever again. What's the use of it anyway? Good grief, I started masturbating at age 12 to the promise of my wife. And then I had her for most of my life. Porn is fake. The promise of my future wife before I married and now being with my wife is what was real. And that fact I can safely masturbate to.

With that in mind coupled with my high sex drive, I may need to masturbate during the week when away from home, but I want to cut it back from 3 times to 1 or at most 2 times before the weekend. Zero is good, too, if it doesn't cause too much difficulty for I've hardly ever gone that long from ejaculating since I started masturbating 42 years ago. No need to get cocky (no pun intended) and then crash and burn.

I think this program of fewer jacking off sessions during the week when away will work. I'll adjust if needed with consultation from my wife. Since no one else on earth knows me and my sexuality like she does, it is great to have my wife love me no matter what and want my sexuality back on track for my sake knowing that it will be best for us and our family. For a strongly sexually united husband and wife are the best of parents.


Active Member
Thank you so much for sharing your story!  To make a very long story short, using porn slowly crept into my life and caused many of the changes that you found in a very short period of time.  Because the changes were more insidious with me, I wasn't sure I was imagining them.  Your story helps verify that the "porn effect" is very real.

Good luck to you and your wife.  If you have stumbled on it already, site might help you both as you get older and need gentler forms of sex.  I have found it extremely useful!


Well-Known Member
Hey MontanaMan,

I just wanted to say one thing - wow!

I'm hugely impressed by your choices in life, your dedication to your wife and how the both of you worked for such a great sex life.

The impression I think comes from the fact that my wife and I, married for one year now, we are struggling a bit to kick-start our sexual life and much of it is because of what I would call "sexual legacy problems". I am PMO addicted, starting very very young (I think around the age of 10) and it really screwed my brain. So I envy the purity and principles where you guys started, but I think it was down to your choice and it is this choice that I respect.

I see the place where you are now and I can see your problem at the moment - I'm keeping fingers crossed for you and your wife. P is a strong addiction, stay strong, fight of tempations and grow in humility. I have this sense that you will be fine and so I wish you :)
Well, I didn't really have choices back in my day when I became a young man which is the moment I first ejaculated (semenarche or spermarche). I think you who are younger have the real pontential for astoundingly powerful marriages for you really do have choices. If you have a wife who will work with you no matter what it takes to get 're-mapped' in your brain, then your marriage will become astoundingly strong. Seriously, my hat is off to you and your wife as you work together to acheive the powerful marital sex as God created us to have. For He was the One who said we are to be united with our wives and become one flesh (Gensis 2:24). So, He's given us everything we need as men to make this happen. And you are doing exactly that even though you have very serious choices before you I never imagined when I was your age. What sexual ecstacy awaits you and your wife!
Away from my wife for just 2 stinking days. Lunch with coworker and waitress just looked rather good. Mind immediately went to remembering great sex on Sunday. Actually, Friday night and Saturday night, too! Figured I was going to masturbate tonight. Had a few minutes before going to gym and on computer supposedly to do banking. Looked at news site. Next thing I knew I was watching a video of a couple going at it. Just ridiculous since I have such great sex with my wife and masturbating to memories with her is so much better than a 2 dimensional scene with a couple who are too young to know how to really have great sex. Just dumb.

So went to gym. Talked with great friends. Now I'm back on track mentally. So, after resetting my counter and submitting this post, I'll masturbate to the memory of what really is the best sex ever which is always with my wonderful wife. No one knows me like she does and what I enjoy. Can't wait until the weekend!


Staff member
MontanaMan said:
Away from my wife for just 2 stinking days. Lunch with coworker and waitress just looked rather good. Mind immediately went to remembering great sex on Sunday. Actually, Friday night and Saturday night, too! Figured I was going to masturbate tonight. Had a few minutes before going to gym and on computer supposedly to do banking. Looked at news site. Next thing I knew I was watching a video of a couple going at it. Just ridiculous since I have such great sex with my wife and masturbating to memories with her is so much better than a 2 dimensional scene with a couple who are too young to know how to really have great sex. Just dumb.

So went to gym. Talked with great friends. Now I'm back on track mentally. So, after resetting my counter and submitting this post, I'll masturbate to the memory of what really is the best sex ever which is always with my wonderful wife. No one knows me like she does and what I enjoy. Can't wait until the weekend!
I would suggest that you avoid self-pleasuring entirely and keep all sexual gratification restricted to when you are with your wife. You can have real sex or make believe sex, but not both. Which do you prefer? 