How to Start



Just a question to those who've managed to remain long term with no porn/fap.

How did you start? ie was it after extensively educating yourselves? Did something earth shattering happen to start you on the journey etc?

It just seems that Ive tried to give up so many times without success. At the time  I do try turn things around I'm  motivated and have  much clarity but it all soon goes out the window.

I'm also finding there seems to be too much information and I dont know where to start with it  :p


Mr Ed


I think there is the danger of information overload.  By absorbing or tying to absorb large amounts of information the problem, porn addiction, can seem overwhelmingly large.  The problem with an overwhelmingly large problem it that it implies an overwhelmingly large solution is necessary. 

But porn addicts do not have an overwhelmingly large problem.  Porn addicts have a relatively small problem.  It sometimes looks huge because it is right in our face, and anything up close appears large.  Put your palm to your nose and all you can see is your hand, extend your arm, move your hand away, and it seems small in comparison to the other objects in the room.

Your small problem is this:  your brain is having a chemical reaction to specific visual stimulation, porn.  If you eliminate the visual stimulation you will eliminate the chemical reaction, problem solved.  Well, not quite that easy because your brain has come to love the chemical reaction.  The chemical reaction is dopamine being released in response to prolonged hypersexual images that you are exposing yourself to.  In reality, most of us won't be with more than a handful of women, but porn highjacks that part of the brain that rewards thinking about sex as a way of promulgating the species through reproduction. That part of the brain cannot tell the difference between sex and porn, and since you can have way more porn than you can have sex, the addiction comes to reward porn over sex.  Porn is endless, literally available 24/7 as a stimulation to get dopamine.  It is also completely free, meaning it requires no intimacy, no commitment, no passion, no effort, no love, no emotional price.  One part of you probably wants the real thing more, but your primitive brain's reward center comes to prefer porn to sex because it allows for huge dopamine surges at absolutely no price to you.  That is how the addiction forms. 

I think you do not need anything more in the way of information that what you find at this site.  Specifically, go to page one, the home page, and about 1/2 way down on the right you will see "The Great Porn Experiment" video.  That video, as far as I am concerned is the Kama Sutra of understanding porn addiction.  Once I understood I had only a small problem, the solution was much easier.

Get tools. K9 blocker is good.  You talk about giving up a lot of times, that means you are continuing to access porn while trying to quit the addiction.  A lot of guys make the mistake of believing they can control porn and beat the addiction, keep it in their lives and beat the addiction, quit MO or PMO while still watching porn and beat the addiction.  That will not work.  Unless you are willing to completely give up porn you will remain porn addicted.  You might cut your use down, but if you keep porn in your life you will never completely overcome the desire to watch it.

Be prepared for withdrawals.  Withdrawals do not just happen when quitting porn.  They happen between PMOs, when you feel anxious and stress and use porn to relive that.  What you are really relieving is withdrawals.  They get worse before it gets better, but get clean and they go away completely. 

My thread, for newbies quitting porn, if you want to give it a read.

If you read it and take something good from it, then leave a positive helpful comment at the end.


Will I AM.


Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ MrEd
Just a question to those who've managed to remain long term with no porn/fap.

How did you start? 

Most of my advice is in this video if you haven't seen it yet -

And as William suggested, Gary's TEDx talk is where I'd start as well. -

 Did something earth shattering happen to start you on the journey etc?

Yea, I had a limp noodle when going for sex with a beautiful girl. Once I found out porn was the cause I told myself I'll never watch porn again.

I've fully recovered now. Understand this. Giving up porn is not about missing out on pleasure... it's about getting to a place where you can experience more pleasure and joy than you ever thought possible.

Welcome to the Nation. Much Love



New Member
I'm on day 45 of hard mode nofap and day 73 of no PMO, first attempt. I recommend to not check your progress too often or it will seem to take ages. I know that I had several days that were like months because of it. The best way to get through the 90 days is have things to occupy you, especially outdoors or something that you like to do that consumes a lot of time. I read about nofap and porn addiction for weeks, many hours a day. It slowed down time. Then, I stopped doing that and went outside or enjoyed movies and music at home. Before I knew it, weeks passed quickly. You'll get very horny all the time. Use that to chase girls.


Thanks wnv. This is a great tip which I can fully relate to.

Seems like I spend too much time dwelling on the problem and not enough "getting out there".