Rebootme Journal


New Member
18. Freshman in college. Started watching porn when I was in 7th grade and it became a real problem in high school. Stopped for a while Junior year thanks to a relationship but fell back into my old patterns after we broke up. I probably have performance anxiety cuz it's difficult for me to stay hard with a girl. I can usually get hard in the beginning, but lose it and usually can't get it back up after. It's the most stressful thing going on in my life right now and I think about it way too much. I finally made this so I can track myself and be held accountable; maybe it will help me quit.

Over the summer I took classes on campus at college and was lived in a dorm for 6 weeks. During that time I only relapsed twice; once in the dorm and once when I was back home. I was starting to feel really good and met this new girl, but now I'm back at home for 2 weeks before I move in for fall semester and I've already relapsed again. Every day the past week. I finally got tired of it so I decided to make a change.