18 yr old with suspected PIED seeking held


New Member
So recently I got out of a four year relationship with the first girlfriend I ever had.  During that entire relationship my main forms of orgasm were through masturbating to porn since being young my girlfriend wanted to wait till the right moment to lose her virginity.  After a few post highschool lifestyle changes the relationship ended and no less than a day later I had a new girlfriend who was much more sexually open.  After maybe a week or two of dating we decided to have sex but sadly, I could not maintain a healthy erection.  About a week or so later we tried again and with a little coercion sex happened and was great for the both of us.  There were many instances of sex over the next few weeks but after a while I went back into my heavy porn use of 2-3 sessions a day.  Soon after my erectile health plummeted and during the past two weeks we have tried to have sex maybe 3-4 times and I just couldn't.  I would have an erection while we made out or I was touching her but whenever I went to insert my penis I would lose my erection.
I am currently about five days into abstaining from porn and masturbation and was wondering just how long it will take for me to regain erectile health and if anyone here could help me with advice.


New Member
Oh and also I see a lot of guys here who talk about morning wood being important
I do not have morning wood lately and I remember that even masturbating was becoming difficult and I didn't enjoy orgasming as much


Staff member
Hey man, it definitely sounds like you are a classic case of porn induced erectile dysfunction. Be happy you caught this now! A lot of us wish we were 18 when we did  ;D

I know it's a little scary not having a penis that works correctly, but the good news is that it is very fixable. Start rebooting! Quitting porn is initially challenging, but rewarding in the long-run. Commit to never looking at the stuff and making no porn a lifestyle change. No one really needs porn in their life at all.

I think the best things you can do when starting a reboot is telling a friend/someone close (in real life) and finding some healthy replacement habits. Telling someone is so helpful. It allows you to verbalize your issue, which is insanely therapeutic, and it also helps hold you accountable to relapses. Furthermore, finding replacement habits like exercising more, meditating, learning an instrument, reading, help replace all that wasted time behind a compute screen. Think of all the time you will have now! :D

Good luck! It's truly one of the most rewarding journeys you can go on. This community is a great place to be throughout the process - let me know if you have any other questions!


Well-Known Member
Same issue here. You may have also used an aggressive grip like i did which is why you need that stimulation and your penis going inside a vagina isn't the same...