Trying to quit masturbation.


I discovered pleasuring myself when I was 12 and from then on it's been a problem. I know that some say that it is healthy and natural (and that others disagree) but I also know that things are only good in moderation and that never seemed an option. The whole idea of doing something that I knew my parents and church would forbid made it more appealing. Half a dozen times a day was no exception. I first realised I might have a problem at 13 when I had again done it so often that I had I guess friction wounds on my penis from doing it too much in a short time and even though I had already done it a lot in a short time I couldn't stop. It wasn't even pleasurable anymore.

So I tried to limit myself to once a day and felt good about myself when I could do that. Later I realised that it was my go-to method of dealing with any negative emotion. If I felt sad, rejected, out of place or if anything negative happened in my life it would be the thing I went to for comfort. I realised this after reading about alcoholism and how people addicted to alcohol would do the same and so never really dealed with the negativity in their life, but used it as a displacement. I realised that if I ever wanted to grow and mature as a person I could not continue doing this but had to find real and adult ways of dealing with my life.

Since then I've been trying to quit completely and that was harder than I thought. About a year ago I discovered that I would not have to deal with this issue on my own but that there was the online community of reddit nofap where I could talk to and get encouragement from others who for whatever reason also decided that their life would be better without it. This has been a great help to me. It's hard to try things on your own, like masturbating itself trying to stop was a secret part of my life and through nofap I could share this secret with others who would understand and that was a great relief. It also helped me to try and give others advice and sympathy.

Through reddit nofap I found the site yourbrainonporn and the articles there while dealing mostly with porn taught me a lot about how a sexual addiction works and ways of trying to get better. I made an account here in the hope that this medium would allow me to grow even more. On reddit posts dissapear down the queue quickly and I thought that this place might provide a more permanent record of what I am dealing with and how I progress back to health.

The methods I currently have are the following:

-Don't allow myself to touch myself at all except for bathroom and shower. No edging.
-Don't linger on sexual fantasies. having one is fine and expected, dragging them out is not.
-Only go to bed when tired.
-Don't sleep naked.
-Get up right away in the morning.
-Distract myself with a social activity or something that requires my full attention when things get difficult. Cold showers.

Two days ago I relapsed after having not fapped for a little over a month. I try not to feel too dissapointed because the way I see it abstaining for a month is a lot better than how it used to be, where I would often physically hurt, be tired and antisocial. But still I wish I could just be done with it.

Thanks for reading people, if you have anything to add, advice or critique don't hesitate.



Active Member

Welcome to the Nation!

What you are saying is so true. The journaling is the way to go and does help a lot to compartmentalise your thoughts and deal with it in a constructive manner.

A small relapse if not the norm and excuse, I believe, could be seen as not to much of an issue.

I remember those friction wounds on my little pecker at age 9 - 10, a lot of what you say I can relate to. Masturbation for me started at age 6 - 7 and no porn were involved until deep into my twenties.

The points you state as methods of preventing yourself from slipping are good. I sure hope that a lot of guys will read and benefit from it.

Stay strong and be Blessed!


Today was a difficult day.

I haven't looked at porn, masturbated or edged but it was on my mind all the time. I distracted myself with sports and doing things that require me to pay attention but it was like every half hour or so my genitals demanded attention.

I know that some days are good and some go badly but I just wish that I could be done with this and not get these bad days anymore.

What kept me from touching myself is that I gave in in the past and I know that this does nothing helpful. It would just mean that tomorrow I would feel these urges again and would think that one more day would not make a difference. I don't want to throw away two weeks of progress so I stayed strong and now I'm tired and going to bed early. It was an exhausting day, resisting takes a lot of energy.

I hope that tomorrow will be better.


Active Member
You are on the road of recovery.

good to hear about your awareness of the triggers, and your approach to beat this beast!

Stay strong and be Blessed!


Thank you! :)

Today was a lot better. I didn't have any real urges or was tempted by anything.

I guess that just firmly saying no to myself for one day really works. I hope I can keep this up.


Active Member
The mindset of porn is no option is the best approach you can adopt to beat this dragon.

Baby steps, one day at a time!

Stay strong and be Blessed!


I reset my counter today. I didn't fail but I thought it would be a good idea to have it show my new best attempt to quit this forever. I'm proud of what I have achieved and wanted my counter to reflect that. :)


Active Member
Notouch1 said:
Later I realised that it was my go-to method of dealing with any negative emotion. If I felt sad, rejected, out of place or if anything negative happened in my life it would be the thing I went to for comfort.
Hi Notouch1

Welcome to the forum. Good choice. You can feel good and proud of yourself  8) for all you do in conquering this thing that troubles you. Our sexual urges are normal things, it's part of our DNA and part of what keeps the human race going. I get it that you want to deal with it in a responsible way and not letting it control you or become some kind of crutch. I can so identify with that. You have great plans in place how to deal with it.
Notouch1 said:
-Don't allow myself to touch myself at all except for bathroom and shower. No edging.
-Don't linger on sexual fantasies. having one is fine and expected, dragging them out is not.
-Only go to bed when tired.
-Don't sleep naked.
-Get up right away in the morning.
-Distract myself with a social activity or something that requires my full attention when things get difficult. Cold showers.
Can I add? Consider going to bed at a specific time and getting up at a specific time, getting into some kind of routine. Program your body or mind to start thinking of sleep at a certain time, that way you won't have to rely on feeling tired before going to bed.
Also, interesting thoughts on sleep from Art of Manliness here Some tips on getting a good night's sleep and how to find your body's natural sleep pattern. The article suggests many of the things you already listed.


Thank you for your reply and the link. :)

I agree, getting a good nights sleep is important but I do like to sleep in on the weekends lol.

I haven't relapsed in over two months now and if it is up to me I'll never do it again. I have strong urges sometimes but I know that if I don't pay attention to them it'll take five minutes or so before they go away again.


Active Member
You're welcome. I sleep in too over the weekends lol  8)
Two months is a great number for a teenager (which I presume you are). Is that 2 months no PMO?
I think you're doing great and your mind is in the right space. This is such a 'mind' thing.


Active Member
HI Guys

Glad to see that you are still committed to beating this beast 100% in your life.

Thanx for sharing the link on sleep, horpio there are really good advice in it.

Stay strong and receive the blessing!


Active Member
Hi PMOVictory, I'm happy to hear the link on sleep added value.
Notouch1 keep up the good work. Let's watch that counter ticking over day by day till you reach your goal and then go beyond. You can feel proud of yourself.