Time to Be a Real Man


New Member
[Day 0]

Hey folks.

Well, I certainly must say as much as I dislike the internet for the plethora of easy-to-access porn, I like the internet for websites and forums like this.

I'm at the end of my rope. Been watching porn for about 8 years now, heavy. It was 2-3 times a day every single day for about 7 of those years, and recently it's gone down to once a day. Although some days I really binge and go wild.

I met the woman who is now my wife about 2 years ago, and I had promised myself back then I would quit. I personally think that being with a girl and looking at porn ain't right. Don't judge those who do, that's just my personal view.

Unsurprisingly, I didn't stop. And I felt awful at first. But then, as all addictions do, you just seem to get used to it. Fast forward to now, we are happily married and she's an amazing partner with a hell of a body. (At least, I think so). Imagine my shock when we first got it on during the honeymoon, and I was having "performance issues". Talk about a blow to the gut. Mercifully she's incredibly understanding and shows great care in protecting my ego for me. Now I realize it's my addiction to pornography that is killing my sexual performance. I cannot maintin an erection, and even when I do finally manage to penetrate her, it doesn't feel good at all because I have a half, or even less, erection. It's awful.

The real wake-up came a few weeks ago I was masturbating. I was watching some bondage porn, and suddenly I imagined my wife in the middle of that disgusting flesh-melee, being set-upon by multiple guys. I almost vomited, because it shocked me. Imagining my wife in that situation? The woman I would die for, and I was imagining her spread out, being abused like this? It was then I realized that I have a problem, and it cannot wait to be killed. I'm sick of not being the best man I can be, because of porn. I am into a range of fighting styles, and I am a big fan of Bruce Lee. Reading his various positions on being as mentally strong as you are physically strong has inspired me to finally step up and be tough on myself.

I'm 22 years old and I have a serious problem. It's time for me to curb-stomp that problem into history and enjoy having sex with my beautiful wife to the fullest extent. It's going to be a hell of a fight, but if I can channel my energy in an attempt to dominate my opponent in a fight, then I can channel my energy to crush the opponent in my mind. I will not be a wuss, I will not be a slave to this anymore.

If you took the time to read this, I appreciate it. I hope with resources like this forum, I can conquer this crummy addiction once and for all.


New Member
[Day 1]

Not a bad day. Couple mis-steps here and there, but for the most part nothing too bad. When I've tried this my first wall is going to hit probably tomorrow or the day after. Just going to keep facing this thing down.


New Member
[Day 2 - Morning]

The urge is definitely stronger this morning. My wife is a photographer and she's out on a wedding shoot today, so I have the house to myself for a few hours until I am meeting up with some friends. I've been cleaning up, trying to keep busy. Oddly enough, I woke up with an intense desire for a cigarette, even though I quit over 2 years ago. Almost bought a pack when I filled my car up earlier, but quickly realized that was a stupid idea. Just my brain looking for a fix, I guess.