A 16 year old Irish boy on a mission


New Member
Hello All!
My name is James and I'm 16 years old and live in Ireland. This is my journal. First of all I'd like to say to anyone reading this, please do leave feedback as I am in need of support, help etc... I'm in a dark place right now, and the task ahead of me seems particularly daunting, but with you guys to help me I'm sure I'll make it out okay and become completely recovered. Gotta stay positive!  :)
Now, to the life story,
It all started when I was 13 years old. Myself and my group of friends would have the occasional chat about masturbation (the new and exciting idea it was to us at the time).
In all these talks we'd discuss notable videos, actresses and so on. I myself had not started masturbating yet and so my only real education came from my friends at the time. I felt like I was late to start masturbating and as such built the curiosity to try it.

So when the house was empty, I took my chance and went on to the internet to look up a porn website and look at what my friends had been discussing last (which was lesbian porn). And as such the first time I ever masturbated I used porn.

From that point on I rarely masturbated without porn. Of course since I started young enough I gradually went to harder and harder porn, more vulgar and shocking material. I did this without a care in the world, frequently masturbating without a clue to what the consequences would be. And this is where I think the problem is with the world we're in today. There was no education to tell me that the habit I had acquired would harm me later in life. I thought it was harmless.

On January 2nd 2014, I started going out with an absolutely amazing girl. My proper long term girlfriend. We're still together today. Around the 6th/7th month mark in our relationship we tried to have sex. I couldn't get it up and was nothing short of gutted. I felt like crying. I blamed it on the alcohol in my system (which would actually make perfect sense, from then on I stopped drinking). So later on we tried a second time. Then a third. This was when I realised I had a problem.

I found the research on the internet and now I'm here, writing this journal. As of now, my girlfriend knows I've had this problem and as such we haven't attempted to have sex again.
After I found out about "rebooting" and such I was filled with a spark of hope and my mood was instantly uplifted. But, alas it was never gonna be that easy, was it?
I'm part of the group that was raised on the high speed broadband porn so I have to effectively "re-wire" my brain. And from what I've read this takes a significant amount of time. This hit me quite hard because I want to be able to be restored to my working best as fast as possible because I REALLY want to have sex with my girlfriend. Like REALLY badly. And the worse part is 1) I've put her off of it and 2) I'm gonna be waiting a long time.

So yeah.. I'm sure I share the same view with a lot of people on this forum that really, We've been victims. We didn't want any of this to happen? But of course there's no point thinking about the past and we MUST look forward so from here on, I'm on a mission.
I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get myself back in working order
For me to achieve this however I'm going to need YOUR help. Whoever is reading this right now. Please leave me feedback or advice. Anything. I'd be ridiculously grateful. I need someone to guide through what I need to do to fix myself.
And of course I'd like to thank anyone who made it this far and actually cared enough to read this. THANK YOU.
Gotta stay positive right?
James, 16, Ireland

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ James
My name is James and I'm 16 years old and live in Ireland

First off I want to say welcome to the Nation my man! I hope you find the information and support you need here.

So when the house was empty, I took my chance and went on to the internet to look up a porn website and look at what my friends had been discussing last (which was lesbian porn). And as such the first time I ever masturbated I used porn.

From that point on I rarely masturbated without porn. Of course since I started young enough I gradually went to harder and harder porn, more vulgar and shocking material. I did this without a care in the world, frequently masturbating without a clue to what the consequences would be.

I relate to this so much. I started with magazine pics when I was 8, then cable TV at 10, internet porn at 12. I almost ALWAYS yanked it to porn. Did so almost everytime from age 14 to 23. Talk about brain training... eh. As you have probably read the escalation into harder material is completely normal and very common. I ended up watching stuff that would make me question my sanity after I had busted my nuts. Very obvious it was desensitization looking back in hindsight. Looking for the bigger dopamine hit to give me the same level of excitement.

I too did this without a care in the world, pursuing pleasure through porn having no idea what could possibly go wrong. We can't play the victim role though. Yes it sucks that we weren't informed but we chose to do what we did. We have to learn from what happened to us and make the best of it, by rebooting, getting our lives back together and hopefully informing others of possible problems so they can make informed decisions.

Around the 6th/7th month mark in our relationship we tried to have sex. I couldn't get it up and was nothing short of gutted. I felt like crying. I blamed it on the alcohol in my system (which would actually make perfect sense, from then on I stopped drinking). So later on we tried a second time. Then a third. This was when I realised I had a problem.

All I can say. Is I'm sorry you had to go through this bro. And I'm sorry for your girl as well. The feeling of not being able to have sex with a girl you care about, feeling broken at a young age, is life changing to say the least. Do your girl a favor and make sure you explain or show her all the science about porn induced ED and make sure she understands it has NOTHING to do with her, or your desire for her. It has to do with your brain physically being numbed and re-wired to pixels and not a person.

I went through this situation. It's painful. You're not alone. You will survive though and be a stronger better man if you learn from it.

After I found out about "rebooting" and such I was filled with a spark of hope and my mood was instantly uplifted. But, alas it was never gonna be that easy, was it?

No. It probably won't be easy, but most things in life worth getting will not be easy. Recovery is possible, and at your young age I hope you realize that you hopefully have a long life a head of you to enjoy after this process. I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders, just keep that hope alive. As long as were living our brains have the ability to change.

It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Make the most of it.

Get active, and learn as much as you can about rebooting. Read the sticky threads on this site, check the vids, read the info on YourBrainOnPorn.com. Be patient. I hope the best for you man. Don't focus on avoiding what you don't want, focus on pursuing what you do want.

Much love.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome Gabe!
I'm just after watching some of the videos on your youtube channel and I'm steadily learning more about the problem. They're good videos and I can relate to your story completely. It's good to have that kind of material up there. Keep up the good work man!


New Member
Day two.
I have something I was curious about..... So yesterday my girlfriend came over and we ended up getting around to something sexual. I was happy to have discovered that I can still get erections by my girlfriends touch. I was so thrilled at this fact I ended up orgasming in no time.
So this lead me to wonder.... Is it still okay to be doing all the kind of stuff I would usually be doing with my girlfriend while rebooting?
I would naturally assume yes after seeing Gabes youtube videos because it would be "wiring" my brain to a real girls touch right? Just a thought.
Please share you guys opinions as replies! I'd like to hear your take on it :)
Other than that I know its early but I'm still going strong. I have a strong feeling that this is because I went back to school today. Because I have something to be doing I feel much less urges to masturbate. Theres something about a daily routine that seems to help supress sexual urges. And thank God because I was a lot more lazy then I would've liked during my summer holidays!
Just a short update from me. You'll hear again soon! ;)
Stay positive guys,