A new start...



I am a 25 year old recovering addict, I have been in and out of recovery for the best part of 10 years, I have been addicted since I was 14 and been recovering since I was 16, I have been a member/moderator for multiple recovery forums however in my quest for recovery I have come across this place!

To cut a long story short, My addiction started off with catalouge models, moved to softcore then lesbian and then hardcore lesbian. My longest streak has been 237 Days however that was about 5 years ago, I have hit over 100 days since then.

I guess I have reached a crossroad with my recovery, I used to follow SAA a fair bit but I feel it is not right for me, I have got more of a porn and fantasy problem rather than a sex addiction, I had a recovery plan once but I keep breaking rules. I need to rewire my brain, I know there is no easy fix and I know that there is no cure, the addiction will always follow me however I feel porn will get me into serious trouble and possibly kill me physically. I want to change my habits and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Thanks for reading,



Active Member

You've come to the right place! Welcome to the Reboot Nation forums! I hope you're gonna find all the help you need along the way... I can ses that you've done this before, maybe you should try to remember yourself about the benefits you had in that period of time... It's a hard path, indeed, but it's a natural way of things, and in good time, all will be set on their path...

Stay strong! Stay confident! You can do this!


Thanks Noises!

I have relapsed yesterday, I feel ashamed and at the time of my relapse I felt I needed that fix, I even went to bed early to avoid the urge but it bit me in the middle of the night and I succumbed and I feel ashamed, I feel weak but I have been here many times and I must get back up and accept that i need to continue my recovery! It is time to reboot and start a new!


I need to reset again, I relapsed last night, I need to remain p free tonight! I can do this!


I slipped Thursday night, I was angry at some things out of my control, though this was a childish thing to do!

I am currently 3 Days sober, tomorrow will be a challenge, most times I have had porn free weekends I tend to slip on the Monday afterwards but I need to embrace this recovery and not fall. I will be free of this...

So far

No Mb'ing
No Fantasising
No Porn!

A good start!


Just slipped now!

I need a target, I will not fantasise tonight, not watch any more porn and wont mb anymore tonight!


Hi Positive Begining, I wish I could say I was doing better on the addiction front, been relapsing and all sorts.

It has been a while since I last visited here, I been struggling with p and mb, maximum amount of sobriety I managed to keep was about 7 days however recently it has become pretty difficult. I have been on one fantasy trip, every morning, some evenings I have been living fantasies, I feel I am starting to lose myself once again. I won't ramble further I will make it through this day!