prone masterbation


New Member
Hi guys I would like to share my story with everyone. I am a 16 year old male and a Virgin. Since an early age I have done prone masterbation which I have heard is very bad for you. I found out about prone roughly 2 months ago and have been trying to quit since, after several relapses I have had a good reboot so far this time around. I have gone 30 days without prone and plan to go 56 days (8 weeks) without it. Iv heard that 8 weeks is enough time to reboot the brain. Last week I started to get harder, better, and longer erections which was great. Unfortunately the last couple of days I have noticed I can't get a full erection only a semi this is very concerning and I'm worried that I have done something wrong or relapsed that has affected my reboot somehow. Can you guys help me please