Loss of Libido


Sooo - I feel like I had flatlined hard this summer.

Like super hard - no desire for sex.

Did the hard reset - for awhile, some hiccups but overalll good.  Libido came back crazy strong and had sex for the 1st time again WITH A condom and successfully came.

My concern is I feel like I am going into a flatline again of NO libido.  :(  I'd say its starting to feel dead limby again, and I'm not getting random erections again, and I have not been PMO'ing.

ugh. is this normal?


Just ride it out if it is a flatline; I found I kept on dipping in and out of flatlines for a while as my brain rebalanced itself. Eventually it settles :)


Glad to hear it will eventually settle - frustrating in a sense how long this process can be - then again I was looking at P for a long time..


I think we should all be grateful that it doesn't take longer after often a decade or more of medicating ourselves with this drug :)

When you make it you will look back on this and it won't seem so long :)


Just had sex again with a condom - I think I'm finally 'cured'.  It just seems like the day or two after I have sex I have zero libido, and then three or four days of no M and of course no PMO and I once again find myself with a very high libido.

I wonder if this is just common with everyone and I was used to basically no libido due to years watching porn, and then going through the extreme flatline from rewiring.

Regardless, after three - four days I find myself once again with the healthy libido.