social anxiety


have huge big time social anxiety, performance anxiety, and stage fright, excessive sweating and a whole bunch of other anxiety related issues like worrying too much, always tense and nervous. most of the time im a wreck on the inside.

anyone have any material that related no pmo and any of the above problems.

any kind of inspiration or self experiences would be cool


Active Member
you need to get out of your confort zone ( take daily icy shower, that trains you to feel inconfortable ).

I recommend you force yourself into confortable situation, step by step. Like for instance when you make pick up games on the street, you gonna have approach anxiety to open the girls, then start by asking a random person the time, or your direction. Then say hello to someone and walk away etc, step by step you gonna build yourself and see that there s nothing to fear


Well-Known Member
Be aware if you do what Eidan is suggesting, you're going to occasionally get an odd look or a negative response.  It's important to take rudeness as it comes and learn to face rejection with aplomb and bounce back from it.

I could do with taking this advice too, I'm terrible at talking to the ladies 3:


Active Member
It wouldn't be a bad idea to talk with a cognitive behavioral therapist.  I go to a therapist and it's been very helpful in helping me grapple with my feelings.  I feel just even admitting to your social anxiety is a step toward dealing with it.  It seems to me that porn/sex addiction is usually a symptom of deeper, underlying issues.  For us, PMO has been an escape from the reality we feel we cannot bear.  We PMO because we feel it stabalizes us, which is actually only making matters worse.  I really feel that seeking therapy could be beneficial to you.  If you already see a therapist I would recommend attending a sex addicts anonymous meeting.  It has also been a big help for me in dealing with my addiction to sex and porn.  If there are not meetings in your area they have tele-meetings.  Be strong mate. 


Active Member
Mbg said:
It wouldn't be a bad idea to talk with a cognitive behavioral therapist.  I go to a therapist and it's been very helpful in helping me grapple with my feelings.  I feel just even admitting to your social anxiety is a step toward dealing with it.  It seems to me that porn/sex addiction is usually a symptom of deeper, underlying issues.  For us, PMO has been an escape from the reality we feel we cannot bear.  We PMO because we feel it stabalizes us, which is actually only making matters worse.  I really feel that seeking therapy could be beneficial to you.  If you already see a therapist I would recommend attending a sex addicts anonymous meeting.  It has also been a big help for me in dealing with my addiction to sex and porn.  If there are not meetings in your area they have tele-meetings.  Be strong mate.



Active Member
Eidan said:
I recommend you force yourself into confortable situation, step by step. Like for instance when you make pick up games on the street, you gonna have approach anxiety to open the girls, then start by asking a random person the time, or your direction. Then say hello to someone and walk away etc, step by step you gonna build yourself and see that there s nothing to fear

Yeah, this is good. I also got minor case of performance of performance anxiety, and I have been trying to do things like this since starting rebooting. It has helped alot.

My advice:
Start it slow! Make it a habit and take babysteps and gather those positive experiences.
Maybe just start with smiling more and looking people in the eyes more? You can't fail doing it!
Saying hello to random people when passing by when you normally wouldn't is great too.

And remember that you don't have turn into "small talk-god" or a pick-up artist. Someone who has serious anxiety can probably never get to that level, atleast without being all fake.
But everyone can practice and improve their social skills.


Used to get crazy anxious from a bad LSD trip, no doubt porn addiction wasn't helping me. I exercise every day to keep the demons at bay.


Active Member
Man. I'm here for you.

I think I know what's just right for you.

Have you heard of Elliot Hulse? He might have the answer for you.

link 1:-

link 2:-

Much love.
Hey brother, I have struggled with all different types of anxiety as well. It's easier said than done, but it all comes back to the way you think. You are what you think. One book/documentary that changed my life was "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. It teaches a very powerful concept called the Law of Attraction, which can be used to change your thought patterns and manifest positive changes into your life. It's on Netflix if you have it. It's not for everyone, but it was a life-changer for me. If you like that one, there's another beautifully written one called "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen, which helped me tame my anxiety. Once you realize and accept that you have the power and mental capacity to change and control you thoughts, you are unstoppable. Focus your energy on staying positive, fake it til you make it if you have to. Another approach I used to help curb my anxiety, was fitness. Jump rope, running, Insanity, pullups, lifting, whatever floats your boat. A regular routine of physical activity can work wonders. It will build your confidence and gradually melt some of your anxieties away. Hope some of this helps! Stay positive!


wow i really appreciate all the feedback that this thread is getting. alot of resourceful information here that i think should get put together and tacked as a permanent thread somewhere. thank you for all the input everyone!