How Long for Addiction Symptoms to Go Away

How long does it generally take for addiction cravings to go away? I'm talking about craving to masturbate to P or images/videos on computer. If you completely abstain from masturbating to a computer, in general how long does it take for dopamine levels to restore to normal and to stop getting cravings?


Well-Known Member
Depends on person to person.  They tend to lessen after a short while, then they'll come and go in waves.  Be prepared to have bad withdrawals sometimes.  But they'll always go away if you give it time.


Active Member
Promise said:
Depends on person to person.  They tend to lessen after a short while, then they'll come and go in waves.  Be prepared to have bad withdrawals sometimes.  But they'll always go away if you give it time.


Active Member
The first 2 weeks was the hardest for me.  However, it's important to never become complacent even after that and it's also helpful to understand what triggers you.  Developing a sense of what triggers you to PMO or MO will help you learn how to better combat your urges.  For me, the issue I still struggle with is seeing attractive women out in public and looking longer than I should, or even looking at all.  I'm starting to combat this urge by applying a one look 2 second rule. 

It's all about understanding your addiction.  I myself never understood how addicted I was not only to porn, but to sex as well.  Finding a Sex Addicts Anonymous group in your area is something I highly recommend.  It has helped me tremendously. 

We will always be addicts but we can learn how to manage and suppress our addiction and live healthy lives. 