Support Each Other Against Porn Addiction

I just checked out the website "Your brain on porn". I watched the videos and I found it very helpful to see scientific research about what Im going through. Then I came across this website and its a community of people going through the same thing as me. I want to find people who are willing to talk to each other by texting, messaging, and etc.. My goal is for us to support each other to quit and when we feel tempted we now have a friend who is going through the same thing. So if you're interested message me:) Also comment your names, emails, etc, or just post you want to find someone to help support you and make sure you can be messaged be others and we can all talk. Good luck you guys, and don't give in.

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ Kevinnramoss
I want to find people who are willing to talk to each other by texting, messaging, and etc.. My goal is for us to support each other to quit and when we feel tempted we now have a friend who is going through the same thing.

Hey man, Welcome to the Nation. I suggest posting this in the "Accountability Partner" sections for whatever age group you are looking for.

These sections are stickied at the top of each journal section. Here is the link to the 20-29 year old journal section for example -

Hope you find the information, support, and encouragement you need here. Much Love