Role models / Mentors


Tu 0 Seven

Hey guys!

I wanted to start a thread where we could gather videos from people who have been going through the same journey as us sharing their own experiences.

I found that their insights, personal experiences, and advices on how they came out the other side has been a great help in understanding myself and this addiction. And following their channels, seeing them talk honestly about their own struggle makes me feel more connected, knowing that others are in the same shoes.

Let's all add to the list, so we can benefit from their, and each other's wisdoms!

Yahya Bakkar - "Love + Inspire + Forgive + Empower = LIFE " - motivational speaker

Clasik Obas - musician, motivational speaker

Albert An - student, programmer, mentor

I have only watched them, but I am sure there are many more inspirational people who have overcome this addiction!

So, who is your inspiration?

Tu 0 Seven


Black White Guy In America - This guy's report was so down to earth. It was easy relating to what he said!