inistol and st jojns wort for bad case of porn induced hocd complex


Active Member
Long story short identify as straight debeloved a happy fetish over the year and conotion ed myself to it for several years.  Now that I quit porn I see that my brain has rewred itself to this stuff which is scary.  Pretry sure it's just a case of sexual conditionon but anyway going with out pmo is easy it's more of the intrusive thoughts the anxiety the constant checking and imagining shit that's not there that has been slowing down my progress and it's been driving me crazy. Ive also read about st. Johns wort which is a natural antidepressant and can help with ocd and anxiety. Will these supplewowoments help with these compulsions?  Anybody with experience with it and if so how much should I start dosing.

Chris Jay

Inositol is 12 grams a day get the powdered form and you can drink it with water but best to drink it with orange juice I have a friend that used it and it helped him A LOT


St Johns wort is a 'natural' OTC substance with mild SSRI and MAOI properties, some swear by it while other don't seem to benefit from it. There's no way to tell if it will help with fetish compulsion but I'm going to go with "very unlikely", rebooting and rewiring is the only thing that can help these compulsions. It may however help with depression/anxiety so it could potentially be a catalyst for a more positive outlook. I have used st johns wort in the past and I believe it helped me somewhat. Follow the dosage recommended on the container

However another thing to consider is that sometimes SSRIs can cause sexual dysfunction but they usually return to normal once it has cleared from your system.