Free of Obsession

Hi Everyone,

This post is going to be a big step for me, I have been a heavy Porn user since I was 12 years old, now that im almost 25 I have decided it needs to stop. The main reason I was into porn was purely fascination and curiosity with sex, which I think anyone can mainly understand. However masturbation became a coping mechanism and that's where I feel that the fascination and curiosity became obsession. I would find things or specific clips that turned me on the most, dipping into the sweet height of the feeling (edging) and then reap the rewards of my endeavor (orgasm). Actually, when I first started I had a very large fear of premature ejaculation, getting boners in front of girls, etc. and I used the pornography as a coping mechanism for raging hormones and in my mind, desensitizing myself. So when I finally did have sex, I wouldn't face the dreaded embarrassment of being a minute man.

However I am past puberty and coping is no longer necessary, I've been through alot of things as much as any normal person can take. I was formerly a polydrug user, my main drugs of choice being

  • 1. Heroin
    2. Alcohol
    3. Marijauana

After Overdosing in 2012 and realizing the full effects of my choices on the well-being of others and loved ones, I went to out patient rehab. This October I have been sober 2 years off Heroin and most Opiates (I had a medical situation earlier this year I took two Hydrocodones for pain and gave the rest of the bottle to my girlfriend.) Alcoholism is mildly controllable, my main problem is binge drinking, usually I have one and I am ok. I went back to school, got my life in order, I have a wonderful supportive and understanding girlfriend who has stood by me through incredible strife. I expect to finish my bachelors in Computer Science in two years, at least that's the plan.

Now for where I currently stand with porn, I consider porn to be an amorphous entity, for some its a release or a fantasy. For me, it has become a coping mechanism for anxiety/sexual obsession, I never realized until now that its become so ingrained into me that I have let it define my character. I'm tired and I want it to stop, My girlfriend is someone who is a wonderful human being and I am truly blessed to have, and it's unfair to her that I keep this habit up and I hate the guilt that comes with it. I honestly hope to marry her one day, and this is the very last addiction I have to face, get rid of, and stop now. I will admit it's hard, I define myself to be a sexual person by nature, I compliment my girlfriend all the time however sometimes its not easy.

My sexual thoughts are obsessive, and I never truly realized it until I attempted a reboot. I talked to my girlfriend about it and she told me my behavior and how compulsive/obsessive it can be. I rebooted for 16 days, then relapsed and binged and masturbated 3 times in a single day. This is where it becomes tricky, my girlfriend has female sexual dysfunction, she has had a partner who was sexually abusive in the past. I have never tried to force her into sex against her will or anything of the like, to me its morally wrong, I will admit I am aggressive sexually and I try to rein it in, but the lack of sexual interest makes it hard. I love her, I really do love her, I am trying to change my life for better circumstances so that we can have a prosperous future together. However I cant help the negative thoughts that come with the sexual dysfunction, I feel odd asking myself "Is she sexually attracted to me?" "Does she prefer masturbation over me?/Am I good enough sexually?" its really hard being a man and asking myself these questions.  :'( She has reassured me that I am good enough, and it isn't my fault, but I cant help feeling like it is. When I have these feelings I often use porn as a coping mechanism. This is partially from sexual frustration, and low self esteem, especially when I am incredibly self conscious physically.

I'm tired of using porn, I really am sick of it, I like the female figure, but its a obsessive need to study/feed the addiction, my mind solely revolves around the idea of sex. When I masturbate, I dont even feel turned on, its just satisfying a need (the reward of orgasm).

However, with these circumstances it is hard to not give into porn, I want to ask has anyone had similar circumstances or figured out a way to deal with them?

My goal here is to start a journal and to dialog all my feelings, positive or negative, obsessive/frustration, my journey with porn ends now.
First off, I just want to say that Deadpool is one of my favorite comic book characters :)
I can relate to many points you made. I have also had self esteem issues, and turned to pornography when my partner was uninterested in sex. She had perfectly legitimate reasons to not desire sex, but it still hurt my self esteem. Things did get better between us, but my use of pornography and coping with masturbation has not helped either of us. Lately I have realized that, poor self-esteem or not, pornography is not helping me. I cannot think of a single positive thing that pornography has given me. The temporary rush of good feelings is always followed by many more hours of moodiness, shame, and even more self-loathing. It definitely doesn't help my self esteem at all.
Anyway, congrats on making the decision to stop with pornography and more importantly doing something about it. I've also decided to do something proactive about my problem by registering to this site.
Absolutely! me and my girlfriend just carved a Deadpool pumpkin for Halloween.  :D

I appreciate the response, it is difficult and that's one of the primary things. Taking that angst and frustration and channeling it into something better, I'm glad you decided to do something positive about it, change is the first step! Your right though porn has not done a single good thing, I can tell by your user name you are more then fed up. It's a temporary fix for low self esteem with a hollow ending, im glad that things have gotten better with your partner too! Have you started your own journal?  :D

I have started my own journal. I'm just a few days in, but I already enjoy having it. It gives me something to do when I'm home alone with the computer staring out at me. Doing something like this on the internet seems to help keep me away from the seedier sites and searches.
Well this is going to be a pretty significant update, since I have posted my thread on October 31st I have not looked at porn or masturbated for almost 11 days. I believe that separating yourself from the pornography is easy, but resisting or denying the urge to masturbate is the hardest part. I have had manic days where I have had nothing but free time and my mind was centered on one thing. I think one of the hardest parts is learning to deviate from sexual compulsions encountered by a one track mind.

The good part of this is it's given me the courage to face my own personal relationship issues, I love my girlfriend very deeply and yesterday I was able to talk to her about our own intimacy issues and thankfully, we are making a attempt to move forward. So we are both making a constructive attempt to rebuild the sexual part of our relationship, this is a great thing! im really optimistic which is good, one of my biggest struggles is negative all or nothing thinking. She has also been great, really patient, and open with trying to rebuild and beginning to heal and trust, im really proud of her for making that step :D.

Another thing I am attempting to do is structure myself and my time, free time is the devils playground and at this current moment I have alot of free time so I have been trying to plan it doing constructive activities. One of the things I am trying to do is go back to the gym, this is partially to help my self esteem, make a change for a healthier lifestyle and keep myself occupied. So far things are going pretty well!  8)
I can relate to what you are saying about free time. For me, any alone time still feels difficult. My thoughts are spent trying to fight the rationalizations and urges to cave. I've passed the three week mark, and it is still tough, but not every day.
I hope things are still going well for you!