how to avoid relapses??


New Member
I usually spend my time alone in a hostel room. and i find it quite difficult to stop myself from relapses.
when i watch a movie or some hot girl/celebrity on facebook , i google her name with the word "nude", then there u go, a bunch of nudies come up which leads to M and O. So help me out plz, so that i can make progress...thanx

my best progress 10 days


Find other things to do, things you enjoy or will benefit your reboot/future.

Engage in hobbies

Most of this list sounds really boring but once you get into it and you see positive benefits you'll likely stick with it. Give it 2 weeks

I rarely watch tv and limit internet to only what is necessary (facebook personal messages, email, reboot nation and 1 other forum) and get off of them as quickly as possible due for this exact problem.


Active Member
scorpio12 said:
I usually spend my time alone in a hostel room. and i find it quite difficult to stop myself from relapses.
when i watch a movie or some hot girl/celebrity on facebook , i google her name with the word "nude", then there u go, a bunch of nudies come up which leads to M and O. So help me out plz, so that i can make progress...thanx

my best progress 10 days

I underlined some things that you just want to avoid doing.
It's not meant to even look at sexual content during your reboot, it will only slow down the progress greatly and increases the chance of relapsing as you're stating yourself.

I personally believe you should be asking yourself how to avoid potential triggers.


OSS said:
Find other things to do, things you enjoy or will benefit your reboot/future.

Engage in hobbies

Most of this list sounds really boring but once you get into it and you see positive benefits you'll likely stick with it. Give it 2 weeks

I rarely watch tv and limit internet to only what is necessary (facebook personal messages, email, reboot nation and 1 other forum) and get off of them as quickly as possible due for this exact problem.


Love the above mentioned quote.  This is exactly what I am learning to do in my reboot.  Very inspiring.