my first post


Hi friends and fellow rebooters on This is your friend Adam with his first journal. I ask all
support and help in this addiction. Please fell free to comment and post your comments to help me battle
this Addiction. All of it will be well taken. I have already complete  a 90 days no pmo. So this will be my
second 90 days of no pmo. I will start tomorrow since i pmo-ed today. Thank you.
    I left and all this stuff for about 6 months because i had no need for it. I was doing excellent and months would go by and i would not pmo. So i was wrong. And the past weeks i had been hit hard with pmo. once pmoing 6 days in a row. So that why i have come back to this community online and seeking help. I hope to once again beat this bad addiction and put it back into the trash.Thank you.