

Active Member
Hello mate!

I'm glad to see you found this website and are going to reboot.
If you're looking for motivation I'd recommend reading/replying to other people their journal/success stories.
Just so you know, you are not alone!

Besides that, you can also go to and read the e-book (
The e-book was to me a very good motivation to read daily and educate myself a lot on the subject and make my reboot a hell lot easier!

What also works is reading there in general, from journals to the videos which educate and may motivate you!

Good luck with your reboot bud!


Staff member
mlowery said:
I started watching porn when I was roughly 13 years, which is also about the same time I began to masturbate. I am 25 years old now, and till this day I still constantly think about porn and sex. I masturbate in excess of 7 times a day to porn. I feel like this addiction has taken over my entire life, I want to stop, I need to stop, but I can't seem to kick the habit. HELP PLEASE!

Hey friend! It's good to have you here. Acknowledging your problem is one of the biggest and most important steps in your recovery - in that way, you are very much so on the right track!

I was in a similar situation to you two years ago when I first started my reboot. I had been watching porn since I was 11 years old, and I was now 21 and had total ED and a powerful dependency to erotic material. I was also in to some extreme stuff, as well. The first thing I did to help me get going was envisioning my life and what I wanted in the future - I wanted a girlfriend, to get married, have kids, start a family, etc....and all of these things were incompatible with my addiction and served as fuel for my recovery. I took it one day at a time, and now, all of sudden...I haven't looked at porn in two years. You are capable of doing this too!

Find things that help fill your time. I did a lot of new things, but, for me, running was the most helpful. Nothing cures your urges and lifts your mood like a long run.

I hope this help! Message me if you need advice.


Active Member
Hi bud,

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem and that you are powerless.  For someone with an addiction like yours I would recommend Sex Addicts Anonymous. It has helped me tremendously, not in just dealing with my addiction, but also it as taught me to look at myself from a different perspective and see the flaws in character I have acquired.  For me, the forum was not enough.  My masturbation frequency was similar to yours and my attempts to stop on my own were useless.  I might have stopped for a short while but always went back to porn.  I eventually began looking at porn at work, out in my work van, putting my job at risk as well as risking more severe consequences like arrest.  My life had become unmanageable. 