If I can dream it, I can do it.

*Opens my door to a conquest I must succeed in*

Hello to all that read this. As you might already be guessing, I'm here to share my experiences, past and future, so that I can successfully recover from PIED.

When I first discovered porn, I was determined to get to understand the "ins and outs" of it. My PMO habits had an early developmental start, when I first started watching it at the age of 12. I had no idea what porn or masturbation was at the time, and I can't even remember how I found out about it... but one thing's for sure: it would late prove to be extremely detrimental to my life in any aspect imaginable. I discovered what masturbation was one day, while I was in the bathroom. I was washing my hands and had an erection (at this time, I didn't know what an erection was or what causes them) and was trying to shimmy it back into my pants when I noticed the faint pleasure I detected from puling and pushing on it repeatedly. It didn't take long for me to keep up with it and have my first orgasm. Soon thereafter, porn only strengthened my new found desire to please myself in what would later become a horrible addiction. (note: also at this time, was when I was discovering my sexuality and my sexual attractions.... I came to terms with my sexuality later life in that I might be gay, but after reading somewhere on YBOP about some kind of addiction to different tastes of porn (I forget the term), I believe that my homosexual curiosities are purely based off of my hard porn usage and deeply-rooted addiction  :-\ :-\ :-\ )

Fast forward a couple years later, my PMO habits have increased greatly, and it has become a regular thing. I'd say I'd do it on a weekly basis, but how many days a week I PMO depended on my libido. Then, my PMO must have hit the worst in 9th grade, when I was 14 years old. As a natural very horny teenager, yes, there were days where I'd masturbate when I come home. But this, this was BAD! Around the middle to end of the school year, I legit came home, every single day, and jerked off to all the porn I could find. My tastes varied greatly and I had no idea I'd be watching AND getting off to the stuff that I do now. It then became so bad that my erection quality decreased, my attention span was reduced, I had foggy memory in class, I was always fatigued, I could neither concentrate efficiently nor comprehend things that take brainpower like math, all of which I attributed to the fact that I am going through puberty. It  was a ritual, and it seemed like my body knew the routine, so that it automatically spiked my libido when I came home. I conditioned myself to masturbating every day, whenever possible. I came home, I masturbated; I was out, I rushed to the public bathroom and masturbated; I was in school, I rushed to their bathroom and masturbated, not to mention that sometimes, I'd honestly do nothing but jack off relentlessly, until I felt like I would collapse from all the energy it drained from me. My penis suffered as a result of the incessant masturbation in that I would no longer have a 85-100% erection like how you get when you first begin puberty... I would literally masturbate with a limp dick around 50-65% erection quality. And that's just sitting on the edge of the bed. If it was in terms of standing, you better believe I wouldn't even BE hard, practically. I don't know how I ever got to that point, but I did.  :'(

Now in the present, it's still worse! The beginning of the summer of 2014, I realized I was developing a habit in which I'd masturbate to something that causes me anxiety, that causes me to become depressed, or if I'm simply bored. If I was upset with a grade, I'd jerk off; if I was depressed about not being able to go out, I'd jerk off. I literally watch porn WHEN i'M BORED. I don't watch it because I'm in need of release, I simply watch it TO PASS TIME!! NOW THAT IS SEVERELY BADD!! Then when I turned 16, it just became so deep. It's so simple, so easy, so DAMN convenient to have a handheld phone and bookmark all the porn you love on it, and simply pick your favorite video and jerk off to it. If I was home, I'd feel like watching gangbangs; if I was out, I'd watch voyeurism; if i needed to something "spontaneous", I'd watch amateur homemade videos. Roleplaying, fantasy, anime, you name it, it was all in my porn library. It's so easy having a portable means of porn to masturbate to, anywhere I was; I just plug in my headphones and off I go!

BUT..... It is time for A CHANGE!!  ;) ;D I am making goals for myself and I truly wish I had the will to accomplish such goals. It is honestly a shame, though, because I found out about YBOP and Redditors' alleged benefits of NoFap on Reddit in August/September 2013, and ever since then, I had continually set one month of nofap for myself, but I'd relapse in just a matter of days. I kept restarting my NoFap calender, and each time, I'd relapse!!!!  :-[ :-[ Now a year later, I'm struggling with it even more, and I still cannot find the will to cease from PMO altogether. But after visiting this site for some time, and after having my second wet dream, which back then was the only reason why I wanted to start no PMO: to get another wet dream, I have hope in that I will be able to succeed.

Today's 11/11/14, last time I masturbated was 11/9, my goal is to make it to 6 months; however, I am going to to go for 90 days PMO free and see the results, or reap the benefits, as the case may be ;) . Of course, even after I finish the 90 days, I still am going to go PMO free. But for now, let the journey begin.


Best of luck man! The road through it may not be easy (It's really not easy seriously) but through a right mindset and perseverance, that 90 days will just easily pass. Hope to help you around!


Active Member
Welcome to the forum!

I'm glad to see you are giving it another go as many other rebooters here including myself.

Feel free to post here daily, vent away, post on other people their journal and expand your knowledge with other people!

I would love to recommend you learning more on the topic, but as far as I can see you already did yourself some research :)
From my own experience, the e-book really helped acknowledge myself even more on the topic and keep myself motivated to prevent relapses.
Even if you just read a page or 2 when ever it suits you, it can really help and make your reboot easier as it gives a lot of good tips.

About the gay part, I personally can't really talk here because I got my knowledge from what I've read but I hope you will find what you really feel.
In general, those effects become later in the addiction, so if you look back if you liked females/woman/girls before you really got addicted it may be a sign it is indeed due porn.
I understand you would probably just be straight and that's fine too, just don't over think it and give yourself the time to figure it out what you really feel and feel attracted to!

I wish you the best of luck in your progress and don't get mad at yourself if you do relapse, just keep trying like you're doing now and you'll get there!

Stay strong bud!
Thank you both, Victor and Innocence, for the motivational support.

I am determined to see this through to the end, Victor. I have given up too many times in the past and it is time do something. So thank you.

Thank you, Innocence. YBOP is so informative; there's almost an answer for any kind of question on there. Ever since I started, I usually visit the site to read more and more and more experiences and overall, to just educate myself even further about "the big picture" as well as the "minuscule details". To be quite honest, I believe that my same-sex attractions stemmed from my addiction, like how you said. I can recall at first, being attracted to women, but because my watching porn started at puberty when my brain was most malleable and plastic, I think I just generated an attraction regardless of whom, and later those thoughts morphed into an attraction towards both people in the scenes, not just one. However, I'm not going to get all caught up in it as I'm taking my time through this process. I'm focusing on healing myself more than anything.

You're quite into your reboot already, I see!! I applaud you! I'm going to be honest, once I found out that there were guys who have gone longer than say, 5 days without masturbation (since one week for me is an eternity), I thought it was impossible! But to have read what you've went through and what you're going through is aspiring, man. I'm glad to see that you're improving, but most of all, have gone 43 days of no PMO! Truly commendable, as I've never done anything like that. Good to see you're managing it properly. Don't give in, mate, I have faith.
~~ DAY 6 ~~

Six days into my reboot and I am already realizing the strength of the urges I am frequently being subjected to. Also, my fantasies have been nonstop, or so it seems, and I am trying my best to block them out. I've had strong morning wood for about 4 days out of the 6, the first of which I would say I honestly had a 85-90% boner, the other days out of the 4 I had about 55-60% erection quality  ;D. I've noticed the times in which I most frequently fantasize are the mornings or when I'm just about going to bed. The fantasies last briefly, BUT, I will admit that half of the fantasies I've had I purposely dragged them out. I know this is really not good, but I'm doing better at controlling them.

Additionally, I've noticed that I'm not as attracted to things as I used to be. My attraction has seemed to go down a little, but definitely not significantly. Just about the most recent 3/4 days, I've been intensely internally questioning myself and what it is I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I laid in bed as I was going to sleep, when I had another urge, and just started thinking about why I'm doing all this. Everything felt meaningless, and as if I was torturing myself by not masturbating. Not only that, but every time a sexual thought pops into my head, I am almost always regarding them as bad thoughts when I know that's not true  :-\. Not sure how it goes around here, but as far as my knowledge goes, fantasizing about porn/porn scenes/porn fantasy is bad, but real life sexual encounters aren't, and that abstinence from masturbation/sex is only included in the reboot because most rebooters said that it facilitated their recovery. Based on that, I believe neither masturbation nor real-life/ in-person sexual thoughts/fantasies are bad per se, it is just that it mitigates the recovery process.

My libido has actually increased, and it seems that I am more easily aroused by things, although I don't have a clear idea of what those "things" are. No depression, and decreased motivation.

The journey continues...  ::)
Things that have been helping me: faith in God, the Father, and in Jesus, His Son. Praying and fasting also help a lot.
Besides, I have first set 30 days, then 60 more days... When I have reached 90 days, I'll go for 180 days...