Some questions about ejaculating in sleep and random erections


Well-Known Member
I ejaculated 2 times in one night? Is that like bad? The second time i'm pretty sure nothing came out. Anyways my random erections only happened on 2 days then stopped but i do get semi erections randomly is that normal? My sex dreams are now about real people, i used to get porn dreams. Around 50 days in.
What do you guys think?


Active Member
Wet dreams are out of your control. Therefore that's not relapsing and not bad. It's your brain not getting the stimuli it got used to over the time so its normal. Not everyone gets those dreams though, Im in day 29 and still no wet dream. Dreaming more often though thats for sure.



I wouldn't worry too much, your body is just responding to the lack of it's quick fix stimuli, I wouldn't worry about it. Just enjoy the ride (pun not intended haha)


I reckon your wet dreams will be due soon, enjoy they when they do come! (again, pun not intended haha)



Active Member

They are a good sign though arent they? Back when my sex live was great (16-19 years) I had wet dreams at least twice a month or so..
Havent had those for about a year and a half now :)