61 days - no porn. big improvement, not there yet though!

Hi All,

I seem to have locked myself out of my first account!
here is my first post http://legacy.rebootnation.org/index.php?topic=2385.0

It has been 61 days of no porn and I feel much better! the biggest improvement I have noticed is at work! I am a web developer and I was struggling so much the last few months I came very close to quitting, I just could not learn anything new! it felt like my brain gave up before even reading anything. It was really bizarre. I just struggled with it so much. After around 30 days I felt my mind was clear and I have found it easy to pick up new things and learning new skills has been a pleasure again! It is super cheesy but I landed a new job on the 60th day! A job I have been wanting for a while.

So on the mental side, big improvements, I seem to have a really off few hours every few days, where my mind seems overworked. But I hope this will go away soon enough.

On the sexual side of things, Libido is all over the place, one day quite horny and then not at all for a few days, then one minute I pass the tv and some girl is in a bikini and a semi appears lol. That is massive, for the past few years nothing "soft core" on normal tv would do anything for me.

I'm not getting down about it, I'm positive things will continue to get better!
From this alone I am never watching porn again. if I still don't feel great after another month or two then I may do the full nofap thing! I am a little scared to do it, as I have had some bad anxiety since I started this thing.

I just don't feel its necessary for me at this stage, I have heard people doing great reboots without doing the full nofap.

So far so good.
Hi all,

It has been 77 days with no porn and I continue to feel better, the last 4 days my libido seems to better then it has it years! that being said since I started this I have had around 10 days randomly scattered that have been rough! and some days of pure flatline, Anxiety through the roof, but having seem  a big difference in my energy and my improvement at work I have not relapsed.
I recently started a new job too, it has been really tough but I think I am up to the challenge, I was on the train home a few days ago and I was picturing myself starting this job before I gave up porn and I don't think mentally I would of been strong enough to do it. I can just picture me now throwing it away and making excuses to myself why it didn't work out.

Things seem to be getting much better and faster than expected!

Thank you to all that have posted on here, it took a weight of my mind knowing that thousands of others have been through something similar!