I Need Help!

Mr. Crown

New Member
I have a problem, a problem that has consumed nearly my entire life. My problem is porn. I was introduced to porn at a very young age and discovered masturbation a short time after. All my memories of days past since, have been nights filled with porn, masturbating and orgasms. I hate this lifestyle, I want it to end, I want to be free. Today, I hope to begin my road to recovery, and embark on a 120 reboot challenge. I am fully aware that kicking this habit won't be easy, so any/all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Mr. Crown


Well-Known Member
You ended up in a good place, man :)

Make yourself a journal in the appropriate age section and post their regularly.

I encourage you to have a look at the wisdom amassed in this thread. It is the most comprehensive introduction (and development) to reboot that I saw. Their is plenty of gold nuggets there:




Active Member
Welcome Mr. Crown,

You have taken likely the hardest step anyone suffering from addiction has to take.  As an addict myself, I too saw that P had consumed my life.  My attempts to limit my usage or to cut back were futile and broken promises were made to myself and to my wife.  The way I see it, some may disagree, is that addiction is an incurable disease.  There is no one cure, but there are many avenues in which to recover and restore sanity.  I personally focus almost all of my attention to recovery and in all aspects of my life.  I constantly post on this forum, but I also am working on a 12 step program for Sex Addicts which had helped me tremendously.  The important thing to remember is that you are not alone in this.  It is not an easy road to recover for someone truly addicted, but many have walked this road and are willing to help you on your way. 

For me, I had to break away from things that felt comforting.  I made a pledge of total abstinence for 60 days (yet am still abstinent now).  I recommend anyone taking at least a 30 day break from any sexual contact with someone.  Certainly abstinence is different for everyone.  This time will help you gain clarity about your problem and might help you identify other troubling sexual behaviors and urges.  I also recommend therapy and a 12 step program.  Face to face time with someone who knows addiction or is themselves an addict is very helpful.  I also recommend journaling daily and staying away from any possible triggers. TV, Facebook, anything remotely sexual may set you up for relapse.  And finally, don't beat yourself up.  Your addiction is not who you really are and coming to this forum makes that clear.  Just work on fighting back your addiction so as to keep it from causes anyone else harm, anyone, including yourself.