How do you fix the "Autopilot Mode"


Active Member
Hi guys.

I've been watching P since 10y/o, for more than 10 years. I have been rebooting for 6 months and although I've made some good progress, I relapsed quite badly yesterday.
I began to act automatically, it felt like watching a movie where I would just act without really realizing it.
I knew that I was relapsing and that somehow that was bad, but I just was acting on automatic, no thinking and no control in the middle.

I wanted to ask you if you've had similar experiencies, and what I can do to deal with it and fix it.

Thank you!


Meditating daily has been shown to increase the brain's executive control (reduce the "autopilot" factor).


Active Member
Definitely been there. I have two ideas.

1. When that autopilot mode kicked in, I would find that I would try to rush through things fast. Almost like my addicted brain just wanted to rush through everything before my more conscious self-control kicked in and stopped me from doing something I'd regret. So you might find that if you just try to slow things down as much as possible, tust do one tiny thing to interrupt the autopilot. One pushup. One glass of water. Just slow the thing down to give your intentional self a chance to arrive and stop your addicted self from relapsing.

2. When I've managed to build up long streaks, it's because when I got urges I had this intense anger surge in me. My brain would yell "there's no fucking way I'm about to relapse. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. NOOOO FUCKING WAY". That was enough to wake me out of my stupor.


Well-Known Member
I began to act automatically, it felt like watching a movie where I would just act without really realizing it.
I know the "autopilot mode" very well. Do whatever you can to change your habits and normal routines. Our brains get used to habits, following a trail of breadcrumbs that lead us into bad behaviour. Limit your time on the internet - that really helped me. Take a walk, read a book, take an evening course, clean the hell out of your home - anything that keeps you away from porn and the routines/habits that lead you there.

Maybe do some research on neuroplasticity. It's the science of how our brains grow and change but also how our brains form habits and repetitive behaviors. I took an online course from Udemy that really helped me out.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advise guys. I will try different things the following days and see what works for me.

I really feel that slowling things down can be very helpful, as I feel my mind going superfast when I'm having urges. Also breaking with routines and creating new habits seems like a very good idea.
I've tried meditating before but never really worked for me. I like to take some deep breaths to reconect with what's going on in a stresfull situation, though, and I got that from my atemps at meditating.
