Low / Looking for recovery buddy


I'm just posting here because I'm feeling quite low today.

Lots of regret, lots of loneliness, very little hope. I can't believe I'm still in this position at 40 years old. Never been in a relationship. I'd like to be in relationship but at the same time, the idea gets me down - I just feel too messed up. I could be free and clear financially by now but poor financial decisions mean I'm not. so I'm stuck in an uninspiring job. I feel depressed to the point where I feel disabled so I'm trying to save as much money as I can so I can pay off my mortgage as soon as possible and retire as early as possible and then I guess I just plan to sleep a lot of the time. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford to go on another holiday/vacation ever again. I guess it's just the definition of "living out my days".

Maybe it doesn't have to be this way but I honestly don't see an alternative. I'm thinking of trying an online recovery course designed by a therapist. I think it would be good to do it alongside someone else. Would anyone like to try doing it with me to support each other and share ideas?
Thanks. I’ll give it a go. It will have to be a zoom meeting I think, given my location.

I’ve not found 12-step that helpful in the past but I’ll give it another go now.

I’ve started and given up on recovery so many times now that starting again feels like deja vu. I’m trying to go in with an open mind this time. A few things about spaa look interesting to me. The fact that it seems to have a focus on porn and the fact that they have singles only meetings. I remember being in a therapy group over 10 years ago and all I remember people talking about is their relationship issues, which I found incredibly alienating.

looks like SPAA have an impressive number of zoom meetings as well. I might be able to get to one today.


It doesn't have to be about The Steps. The close connection with another person who can relate to your struggle is very helpful for healing. Get a sponsor ASAP. You will benefit from personal support.