Sharing is the Key to success

I just purchased "Your Brain On Porn" the book and my mind was totally blown after reading some of it. I have already felt the freeing sensations which today I only compare to certain spiritual sensations I've experienced. This website and the book are so necessary I can't begin to describe my gratitude to all those who have contributed as well as to all the brave souls on this site. I just want to extend my love and encouragment to you all and thank you all for your help and support. Looking forward to being porn free with you all!!!

So I just actually read the rules for this thread and made some adjustments.  My name is George and I'm 24 years old. I have been watching porn since a young age, maybe before I was 7 years old. This has caused me to have PIED which I havent totally understood the cause until today. I have been open with my father about my issue since we both struggle and it has helped a lot. I will be writing more of my story once I get to a computer because I'm on my phone and its a little more difficult to do so here. That being said I'm connected to the community as of today and my mission is to eradicate pornography and masterbation from my life as of today!


Active Member
I see you're motivated and you know the theory if you have bought the book. Let's put in the practice George! ;)
LS90, thanks so much for your reply, it means a lot. I am glad to be a part of reboot nation. Today I fought negative feelings and went jogging. Felt so great and didn't even tire as quick as I usually do. Ive been fighting this battle on aND off for some time alone but I can't tell you that knowing that I'm not alone is the key. Continue fighting for your Joy LS90 you know there's no better feeling the being porn and masterbation free. Much love.
Day 2 of no masterbation or pornography.
Felt a little depressed upon waking up but quickly fought it and went on a run. I had so much energy while jogging and it felt great.

I went into my parents room and just sat on my mom's bed next to her and my step dad. I cant even remember the last time I did that. It felt so good, normal, and just right to just sit next to a family member.  To be next to them and not feel like I'm hiding a a dark secret from them. This led me to opening up about my porn and masterbation addiction for 10 years +. I cried with my mom, showed them the video of the guy speaking in front of 300 people, and read a portion of the YBOP book. I know there is strength in being honest and sharing and thats why I knew I had to tell them. It felt so good and I felt so loved. I encourage anyone who feels afraid or ashamed in sharing there addiction to let that go and be open. You need all the love and support you can get and it will be a weight lifted off your shoulders and a huge help in staying abstinent from porn and masterbation. With much love, George.