Are blowjobs and sex to real women ok during reboot?


If you saw my earlier post, my story is that I am trying to overcome porn addiction as well as best HOCD which I believe started due to porn. I never escalated into gay porn because it never aroused me, but HOCD thoughts started due to my addiction. I have had sex with 11 girls since the age of 15, I am 20 now and have been dating a beautiful girl for almost 2 years. We have sex frequently. My erections are sometimes weaker on some days (usually days when I'm stressed out about the porn addiction and HOCD) and sometimes stronger (when I'm really excited for sex, or when I've been watching so much porn without masturbating and use those images to get me aroused- which I know isn't healthy).

So my question is, is it okay to still continue to have sex and receive blowjobs when you are rebooting? Do I need to stop all orgasm and anything sex related for a period of time? If I do I know it's going to be difficult for my girlfriend, as she'll be deprived of sex. Thanks for reading and all advice is appreciated.


Active Member
Yes, as long as you don't think of porn during or after sex, if that is currently not possible for you then i would avoid sex and stick to kissing and touching for a while until porn isn't on your mind.