nude pics girls send me potentially harmful for rebooting?


New Member
comrade rebooters

let me first express my sincere gratitude and solidarity to all of those that are rebooting or have done so already and are here with the selfless purpose of helping other men in this struggle. I am a 23 year old male in day 4 of the no porn/pmo reboot. I suppose i should add that for the last year or so i have been trying to go cold turkey with varying degrees of success...i managed to go about a month then relapsed more times than i could count...and now i'm starting all over again. As a bit of background, i have to add that i have been watching porn regularly since the tender age of about 13, so i know the withdrawal will be tough and the reboot period will be most likely long...

Despite the fact that i've just started the cold turkey reboot once again and can claim i am in the flatline period, there are 2 girls i know who can't get enough of me and i hook up with regularly. since i know my way around fellatio (conceivably one positive side effect of a decade of porn watching) and am good with my fingers, i drive these girls wild to the point that they regularly send  nude pictures of themselves to my phone. I think they do it partly because they want me to have intercourse with them and think this will make me go for it sooner ( if they only knew the real reason) and partly because i just make them horny. My question to this forum is this: how harmful can nude pictures of girls i hook up with in real life be to this delicate reboot process? I do not masturbate to them, and they never send me videos, but the pictures themselves are pretty explicit. Your thoughts and comments are most appreciated. Sincerely



Active Member
Nude picks are harmful to the point (pun unintended) where you might not recover while looking at them, but if you were to ignore the photos and be physically intimate with the girls then that should speed up the reboot.