if you knew then what you know now, would you still PMO?


Well-Known Member
I'm in my 40's and never thought that the years of jerking off and indulging in porn would lead to PIED.
If you knew back when you were a kid that this would happen, do you think you would've stopped?
Or perhaps slow down the pace?



roxo74 said:
I would surely abstain ... for sure man

I wish I could be that certain. But no, I think I had read the signs before but just hesitated to realize that I had a serious problem. Right now, I have the courage to admit that straightaway. But back "then" (funny term given that I'm not clean for that long) denying and feeding my brain some more dopamine was easier than facing my inner demons.


Active Member
I would have told myself that that is something that happens to other guys....  would have just been one more lie to justify.




Active Member
I am happy with who i am now and have no regrets for the decisions i have made in the past, but if i was educated back then about what i know now i would not have used porn to masturbate.


Well-Known Member
I can probably compare this to smoking.
Growing up in grade school, they pretty much grilled you about
the dangers of smoking and that didn't stop me from at least trying.
I guess I didn't like it as much so I ended up quitting.
I can speculate that if I was as educated about the possibility of
being PIED, I would've still PMO but would've scaled back considerably!
I drink alcohol but I scale back big time and would've done the same with porn and jerking off.
Remember, it never crossed my mind that all the high speed internet porn
I was into would actually hurt my libido/sex drive.


Active Member
Oh God no. I don't think I have ever experienced humiliation like repeated failure to get an erection with a really sweet and hot girl, a failure I know now was caused by PMO (when I first met her I actually looked for P-stars that resembled her to fap too, oblivious to the fact it was going to kill me when it came to actually being with her).