A male chastity cage as a partial and temporary solution to prostitution?


Hi all. This is my first post in these forums. Though I have never been addicted to porn, I cannot say the same about prostitution. I am thinking of seeing a therapist, but was wondering about your experiences in the use of a chastity cage in the preliminary phases of recovery. I would just need to find an understanding but firm and trustworthy key holder though. Any ideas from your experiences?


Well-Known Member
Well that's one solution!  Albeit something of an extreme one.

Incidentally this is my fetish :3c


I personally think male chastity is not the way to go.  We're trying to get over the ED and porn addiction.  Locking your little guy up keeps your hands off masterbating, yes... but it also stops you from getting hard, when that time comes.

If you're not getting erections at all, then perhaps a few days couldn't hjurt, just to keep your hands off. but I wouldn't advise this being "what you do" to stop masterbating.


Thanks for the advice, everyone. I do not suffer from ED so that is not a problem here. Heck, I'd trade my problem in for ED any day... I think.
I think I'd trade my problem in for a masterbation problem too. My concern is with the risks inherent in seeking out sexusl services always from a new woman.

Also, I'm not planning on using it as a long term or permanent solution... Only as an initial step.


Repulsing any potential romantic partner in a 10 mile radius isn't enough of an incentive?