Desperately need to share

Men commit suicide 10x more than women after their partner of marriage dies. Why? Men can't talk about their feelings.

I don't want to be that guy. Men needs love, therefore I need love. The fact that my dick doesn't work prevents me from that and it hurts a lot. Rather than hold it in I just want to share.

Started looking at porn images when I was probably about 10. My friends would come over and be impressed at my 'collection'.

Masturbated with porn for the first time when I was in grade 9. It's funny, I still remember the video. Definitely remember the sensation - unbelievable. I was hooked from then on and it was a daily thing for ten fucking years.

Late bloomer for real. My first BJ when I was 20 I couldn't even get it up. I was perplexed but didn't think much of it.

Lost virginity two weeks before turning 22. First time a girl ever showed me her vagina. Couldn't get it up. She was the horniest girl I've ever seen. We talked the whole night.

Found YBOP shortly after. Wow. Took me the whole summer of starting and stopping to get on a streak that lasted longer than a week. You know why? Found a girl worth holding out for. It would have been two years, three months and 19 days if I held it until now.

Got a GF. Started college. New job. In a program I loved. My life changed so much in a few months it was simply incredible. A whole new world opened up to me. It was the same world but I was fully involved taking an active part. It felt really nice.

My GF accepted my ED and vowed to work me through it. I think I stopped for a good 8 months before I got back at it a little. Relationships are very hard, and when things go bad or turn difficult I'm not proud to say I sought out the porn. Did I feel better? I couldn't even enjoy the orgasm. Regret followed. Of course, like an idiot, I kept doing it.

This year of 2014 I tapered it down the frequency when I was "into" it. But I stopped at times. When I'm dating a girl I like I stop. I stopped for 3 months ending last night. The best three months of this year. Then the temptation kicks in when things get a little tough.

I brought a girl home on the weekend and I discovered I have a condition called "phimosis". It's when the skin on your penis is too tight and can't cover the dick. My head is also extremely sensitive.

Basically, just a never-ending series of problems.

But I want to be "cured" so bad. I want a magic fucking wand to hit me and I'll be OK. Normal like every other guy. This is seriously screwing up my motivation to do anything.

anyways, last night ( and this morning) were bad. I feel better after writing this. Boys this is it. One time in 3 months won't completely screw me up, right?



Well-Known Member
Hey bro,

You will be just fine, mate :)

You have the experience of powerlessness towards addiction and it will help. You cannot control your addiction. But you can starve it.

There is one seasoned user at this forum who set up a great thread talking about a "system" of fighting the addiction. I highly recommend it.

You need to understand that you're not addicted to P per se, but to dopamine. And many things - P mainly, that's for sure, but not only - can spike your dopamine: TV, Internet images, Facebook content, music videos... It's good to understand that, apart from P, there is a lot you should avoid.

PM me, if you want to know anything.



Active Member
You are on the right road....  knowing what the problem is....  knowing what the solution is....  and committing to it, there is no reason you can't recover.  This recovery is journey, not a destination.  There is no looking back.  This will work, and so will you.  :)




Active Member
jkkk said:
Hey bro,

You will be just fine, mate :)

You have the experience of powerlessness towards addiction and it will help. You cannot control your addiction. But you can starve it.

There is one seasoned user at this forum who set up a great thread talking about a "system" of fighting the addiction. I highly recommend it.

You need to understand that you're not addicted to P per se, but to dopamine. And many things - P mainly, that's for sure, but not only - can spike your dopamine: TV, Internet images, Facebook content, music videos... It's good to understand that, apart from P, there is a lot you should avoid.

PM me, if you want to know anything.


One of the things that give many people a high amount of dopamine is working out, I hope we are not supposed to avoid that as well and if we are not supposed to avoid that is it really the dopamine we are supposed to avoid and not just the"porno-fied dopamine we should avoid" ?
Thanks guys.

Working out produces testosterone, it has to be good. It's also healthy, makes you look good. I would never stop squatting and working out hard.

Instagram, Facebook, snapchat...I could definitely get rid of.


Respected Member
Just because you dont shoot it into your arm doesnt mean its amy less harmful an addiction. Waiting for hours for a three minute video to load just so i could fap out a bit of jizz made me feel like a junkie hanging around for a hit. So much effort for very little reward.
Keep it up mate!