Prostate/Urethra issues with reboot?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I wasn't really sure where in the forum to put this, so I went for here; I hope that is ok!

Do you ever know that feeling you get the very odd time where it feels like your pipe inside is on fire? It feels like you need to piss, is a burning sensation, but you don't really need to go? Before anyone mentions 'STD', it isn't that (read on), and it is possible you have never had this sensation, but I know lots of guys do get it, maybe after having lots of sex or M occasionally.

Anyway, the last time I got up around a stretch as long as my current one (about 17-18 days) I started having that feeling much more regularly. If I had a couple of beers it was ver uncomfortable and I was aware of it at other times. I went to the doctor and she did tests for STDs and urinary infections and prescribed some antibiotics against urinary infections just in case. I relapsed whilst finishing off the antibiotics.

The thing is, now I am on a stretch again, I feel like I am starting to have the same sensations. Have any of you experienced something similar whilst rebooting? I read online that it is sometimes just caused by the prostate being irritated or spasming a bit (hence why sex or alcohol might irritate it the odd time. I don't know, I was wondering if constant fapping numbs it into submission, and abstaining makes it hyperactive?

Any guys that do know the feeling I am on about know it is fucking awful.


I had it occasionally - Could be due to a number of things.  Avoid not only porn but MO period.  I also recommend eating healthier because it is a sign of inflammation down there.


Active Member
I'm avoiding P and M, and I eat very well and do a lot of exercise... The only variable that seems to bring it on is a period of abstinence  :mad: