masturbation withdrawal - vivid dreams


New Member
Hi guys,

Until 6 months ago, I was regular coffee drinker like 4-5 cups of coffee everyday. Then one day, I had a very scaring dream like I didnt realize that I was sleeping but everything was so vivid. After that I thought that this is due to the excessive use of coffeine. After I stopped coffeine, I had healing process but not completely. Now I am 26 and doing my masters degree in a very stressful environment. Even if I have sex 2 times in a week I masturbate too much. During last two weeks, I couldnt have any time to have sex or masturbation and then I felt a very deep anxiety. At first, I thought that this is due to the exam stress but after exam ended, I was still so awake and have serious panic attacks without a reason. Also, my dreams again were so vivid and most of the time I had difficulty to fall a sleep again. Do you think masturbation withdrawal affect REM sleep and cause to see vivid dreams?


Maybe. I'm no expert, so it might be possible.

What I have personally noticed is that when you limit / cut out entirely the amount of visual input you receive from digital media, your dreams become a lot more vivid. My personal theory is that all the images you see cause something of a visual overload, which has to be processed at night. I mean, think about it - throughout history, when have humans ever been exposed to the sheer quantity of visual input we receive today on a daily basis? Add to that the fact that there is a strong emotional component to PMO.

I think your brain is just clearing up, so yeah, I suppose that could be considered a withdrawal, but I think it's more of a P withdrawal than an M withdrawal.