I think I'm flatlining


New Member
Greetings everyone.  To give you some background, I'm 29 years old, been a porn junky since I was 15.  I noticed that while not being rendered completely impotent from porn, the quality of sex was greatly reduced since at least the age of 20-21 from what I now know to be PMO.  Basically my dick would be like 70-80% of its maximum hardness and it was extremely difficult to finish without literally finishing myself off. At first like many of you, I thought this was a physical ED problem until the horrific effects of PMO were brought to my attention. I decided that porn was ruining my life and was the cause of all my sexual anguish about 8 months ago, after my sexual performance with my girlfriend became progressively worse to the point where I would lose my erection midway through sex or not have one at all in many cases.  It was my beautiful, loving and supportive girlfriend who enlightened me to the ravages of porn use and led me to discover why I wasn't sexually functional, as well as leading me the nofap/reboot communities. 

I've been PMO free for a week now and while the 3rd day was excruciating not to cave into the temptation(my brain was doing its utmost to rationalize why there's nothing wrong with PMO, almost any thought/picture of the female sex would trigger the urge) .I pulled through it and as of yesterday I noticed a very interesting change in the fact that I lost all desire for PMO, basically women in general.  My penis feels completely flacid and ice cold now at all times.  Even looking at non porn pictures of women which certainly would have triggered me a couple days ago doesn't spark the slightest response.  I guess this is what flatlining is and I should be grateful for the fact that its so much easier to avoid PMO now than it was at the very beginning. 

Has anyone here flatlined after only 6 days of no PMO?  I'd be interested in hearing some feedback about flatlining experiences and whether the urge to PMO, will come roaring back with a vengeance after a certain period of time.  My goal right now is to break 30 days and ideally never go back to PMO again.  I appreciate any feedback. 
Jagoff said:
Has anyone here flatlined after only 6 days of no PMO?  I'd be interested in hearing some feedback about flatlining experiences and whether the urge to PMO, will come roaring back with a vengeance after a certain period of time.  My goal right now is to break 30 days and ideally never go back to PMO again.  I appreciate any feedback.

What you describe is the flatline and yes it is normal to hit it at 6 days. To be honest everyone is different some hit it sooner other later. The porn addiction is relatively now so there are very few studies and reliable data of what is happening and what to expect.
The progress isn't linear and it might get really weird. Like some days will be great and some will be fucking disaster. One thing I would suggest is just not relapsing. Relapse will put you even deeper into flatline and will make it extremely difficult to stay on track. So most people think that the first day are the worst but it is almost never like that. It is more like 3 days great than 4-5 days of depression then suddenly the good days are back only to feel like you were hit by train couple of days later. It is just an example of what will happen. the deeper into reboot the more good days there will and the less the bad ones.


New Member
Thanks for your insight my friend. 

I've been going strong now approaching 10 days and your right about it being non linear.  Had a strong urge to relapse yesterday but I pulled through it. 

I'm just trying to keep busy as possible so my mind doesn't have time to wander into the abyss. 
