I'm not an addict. Maybe that's a lie.

That song always hurts because its not just P or M that im addicted to. 9 months till full reboot seems impossible so im going to try a combination of techniques ive found on this forum to "quick reboot". I will try to not even notice girls or allow my brain to remember or fantasize about porn. After a few weeks of that I should be in a much healthier place but honestly, doing that for even just a few weeks seems like a stretch. Once I get a week or so in I will allow myself to notice/be attracted to/fantasize about girls but only doing regular stuff, no porn fantasy. Here goes nothin', my new life starts right now....


Active Member
The road can seem really, really long. Often the best solution is not to think about it so much and take it a day at a time. Eventually, the streak grows bigger and bigger. I like the idea of small steps and benchmarks.. 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and so on.

Withdrawals and urges will definitely come, I've found the 1st day was fine. Then days 3-7 I had moments of horniness and urges. Right now I'm feeling pretty horny when I'm at home doing nothing. I'm gunning for 2 weeks and that is just the beginning.

It can DEFINITELY be done man. Don't set yourself up for failure by focusing on how long 90 days or 1 year is, it will create all sorts of depression and anxiety.

And you've come to the right place, you'll find a ton of guys in your situation and we're ALL rooting for each other to get it done. If you ever need to calm down I recommend reading other journals and YBOP. That really helps, good luck!!