Sexual dreams


How often do you guys get sexually orientated dreams when rebooting?

I am on day 9 of my reboot, but I only used porn once every three or four days when I started, and I didn't binge. Ever since I made the conscious decision to stop, every single night I have had incredibly sexual dreams. Last night I was at it with a girl I know (in the dream) for what seemed like hours. In the past I have woken up and M'ed, but I've managed to control it so far.

Apart from the 2nd day, when I masturbated in my dream (the first time I have ever experienced that) none of the dreams have been wet. A recurring theme in all of them is wanting to come though, and not getting there. For some reason, each time, the sex gets cut off and I spend the rest of the dream trying to get it back.



New Member
Happens to me aswell and the day after I tend to (not always) relaps...
My mind gets reminded about porn in my dream...i think it is because I pusch the thoughts away during the day.



Active Member
I've had 3 or 4 sexual dreams since starting the reboot which is more then i usually have, they have never become wet dreams and i always wake up when things are getting more intense. I even had a dream that i was masturbating to porn and i kept telling myself 'it's okay it wont effect my reboot'.


Active Member
I got them a lot the first few weeks, now they are sporadic, maybe once a week.  I had my first wet dream on day 89 of my reboot.  It weighed on my mind some that day but I made a conscious effort to stay focused on my goals, what I wanted not what my addict wanted.  These dreams were very hard to deal with the first few weeks, I found myself recalling them and day dreaming.  Hang in there bud, it will get better.


Active Member
The first 2 weeks I had some dreams, especially in the begin but they fade away or become rare.
My dreams have gotten more normal, as in that they are not sex related.