Struggle with Escorts, Need advice


Hey everyone,

I've been having issues with using escorts as a cop out for my porn recovery.  I've spent $340 on prostitutes so far, and its really adding up.  I haven't told anyone about it....  Has anyone ever struggled with escorts during recovery?  And how did you overcome it?  I sometimes go on an escort website, and I justify it as "I won't do anything, I'm just looking."

Then, I end up getting caught up in the moment by one picture.  And long story short, I blow a hundred dollars.  I do feel guilty for what I've been done. Can anyone give me advice?


Try watching a documentary, even short clips on prostitution from their side. There are some real gritty and honest ones that show me how gross and low it is and just turns me right off. Reminds me of the empty feeling that comes after


Active Member
Look up a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting in your area and attend one.  You can even start by going to the SAA website and taking the self evaluation.  I know how it feels.  I never struggled with escorts but I have struggled for several years with public masturbation.  I would drive around in my company vehicle and find places to masturbate, often times in crowded parking lots and in front of people's houses.  Immediately after I would act on my behavior I would feel shame and guilt and promise myself I wouldn't do it anymore.  These promises were always broken.  The urges were too much to fight off and I would convince myself that what I was doing was normal.  I was completely blind to the very real risks to what I was doing.  I was in such isolation, I had convinced myself of my own lies.  It wasn't until I got into SAA that I could fully comprehend that my problem had a name and that I wasn't alone.  I finally broke through my denial and admitted that I was powerless to my addiction.  I hope you find what you are looking for, I suggest starting at


Active Member
I used to use them.....  along with my porn addiction.  I justified as a way to do the fetish things that my porn addiction fueled that I could not do at home.

Its a long road that leads nowhere.  Most often the experiences were more of a let down that made me feel worse....  and guilty.

Its an addiction.  Your chasing a dopamine rush.  Its does nothing to better your life.

You need to wrap your head around that.  Stay off the message review boards, and stay off the web sites.  Treat them as you would porn....  cause PORN IS NOT AN OPTION!

Hope this helps.

