Reboot is simple but not easy (a new rebooter)


New Member
I started reboot on 22nd Nov,2014. Since it is not the first time I wanna quit Internet porn and masturbation, I have suffered setbacks several times, which may drag my confidence down. (The Internet porn and fantasy had haunted around me since early teen. )
18 days passed,  I experienced the most motivated beginning and felt depressed afterwards. It is weird that I felt dumb and less-motivated when I worked hard on the daily routine assigned by my boss. I couldn't get something to excite me or to light me up.
Calmed down for a while, I realized that I am not totally a loser or a dumb person that was always in my impression of myself. I always finish my work with high quality. A few girls are attracted by me before dating. The trouble lies on my mind, my thinking, my wired nerves. It is myself who can light me up, motivate and satisfy me. Internet porn and fantasy about adored porn stars will not help you achieve anything but leave void and pain.
I know 18-days is not a big accomplishment compared to dudes' success stories, yet for me, it is a hard starter for a new rebooter.
Cheer up!