53 Days and Saving My Marriage


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I can't believe I'm here sharing.  I've always had a sneaking suspicion that my ED was medical and not due to my constant porn usage.  I started looking at magazines when I was 9 or 10 and when I turned 20-21, I started watching high speed internet porn.  I'm 36 so I can honestly say that I've been watching porn for 25 years.

Over the course of my adulthood I've grappled with quitting porn and have tried a few times but never seriously.  A couple of times I quit for a week or 2 with results but still ended up going back to masturbating to porn.

Unlike a lot of stories I've read here, I've never lacked confidence and I've been able to sustain relationships but looking back I realized that my porn consumption definitely caused issues in all of my relationships.

Throughout my past relationships I always used PMO as a way to avoid cheating on my partner, especially when we were having problems.  Eventually, I would just watch porn all the time to the point where it was less of a hassle to just jerk off to porn than try to straighten things out with my partners and have regular sex.

Fast forward to this year.  Now I'm married but having issues with my wife.  She would tell me that i seemed detached when we had sex and that I wasn't having sex with her but with a fantasy.  I was in denial but she was right.  I felt so bad that she was right that it just increased my PMO.  Not to mention that we were having problems in other areas as well.

On November 1st of this year, I am looking through my FB feed and a friend of mine posted a link to yourbrainonporn.com.  I read it and have not watched or visited a porn site a day since.  I finally had enough evidence to really convince me that I had a serious problem and that it was affecting my marriage.  It has been 53 days since I last masturbated to porn and I am so much happier. I no  longer need nipple stimulation to have an orgasm.  I can orgasm in many different positions again and not just doggystyle. My erections are better and I cum quicker which my wife likes.  In turn, she's more confident in herself as well knowing that she's enough for me and that I do not need outside stimulations or thoughts.

I am really lucky to not be going through any withdrawal symptoms and such.  I have been trying to tell all of my friends and anyone who will listen about the benefits of quitting porn use and PMO.  Hopefully I can keep this going and affect change in my immediate circle.

Thanks for reading.


Respected Member
Great effort mate! Keep the no porn rule! Your wife is also happy i bet! Keep pleasuring her and letting her do things to you!


New Member
Sex with  my wife is getting better and better.  i notice all the subtleties about her more than ever before.  I'm no longer comparing her to ex girlfriends or actresses and porn stars with better bodies.  Appreciating what I have and being more deliberate in the bedroom.  My orgasms are better and semen volume is increasing.

For the first time in a while I actually had the urge to watch porn this weekend but didn't.  I don't want to have that feeling of failure and having to start over.  For the first time in years, I can honestly say I'd rather have sex with my wife than watch porn.

Things are looking up.


Hi twisty,

Your story is amazing. I bet you can inspire many who want to quit PMO for good, with your story.
Keep up the good work!


New Member
Thanks ortegaso.  I'm still going.  now I can watch my wife wash dishes and it turns me on.  A few months ago I needed porn and all sorts of stimulation to stay erect and orgasm.


Dude....what an inspiration. I agree about YBOP and this site. It is like a switch has flipped in me or something. I'm trying to be very cautious and prudent about it and brace for symptoms, praying they never materialize. Thanks for coming back here to share and encourage!

Its important to see the success stories as well as the relapaes so that we have hope and stay sober and vigilent.