Have seen the light, but I fell, but I need to get back....


New Member
Am 38, have been a 25 year addict, started with dad's video tapes, then friends tapes in college
and then eventually internet porn. Had a 6 year gf during the tapes phase (did pretty well first 3-4 yrs), then broke up,
got internet porn, had new gf (did well first two years), and got married, two kids.

Was able to reboot last November for a year, masturbating every 3-4 days, but no porn.
Then this November decided that, I wouldn't say "wanted to go back", but no longer saw the point of
fending this off. I went to a go to online site. Tried to stave this off, only going once in 7-10 days.
But I used 3 times today. I am not even able to remember what the trigger was this morning. I just decided that I needed to masturbate, and needed porn's assistance to do so (I think it was just after a shower, and I wanted to clean the pipes out, was that what it was....???) The second time I just felt compelled to go back. I am not even sure what led to the third.
I'm not sure if I could describe any particular stress at the beginning of the day (just wife/kids yelling. my daughter didn't put her socks away - this seemed totally unrelated as the first strike occurred hours later).

My counter is at 60 minutes or so.
I just decided to write after this, I've not written here before.

I am pretty frustrated because I was able to quit for a year, and realized how bad it made things for my relationship with my
wife, but then I realized despair, and fell back in, and now it seems I am falling back in fully.
Have not had sex in 3 years, relationship is loveless with wife, we are co-parenting. I have not cheated, but I am convinced that she did between three and four years ago.

I am grateful for the fact Christmas is coming soon, and then my trip away from home for a few days with the kids, so hopefully I won't be tempted to use away, and can use the break to re-establish a streak.

I am getting depressed writing this. Have looked at this site before a handful of times, and listened to a few of the online audio / podcast bits. OK I've got to step away, and handle this one day at a time...


Respected Member
Hi mate. Nice post. Its fantastic that youve taken the first step. Again. But this time you will destroy the need for porn. How did you feel after wasting time looking at the perfect porn to fap to and then fapping? I bet you felt like shit. The feeling of NOT watching porn is so much better than when watching it.
Im sorry to hear of the problems you are having with your wife. To put an end to the porn problems will likely restore your relationship and sex life with your wife. Youll be so confident and sexually powerful from not watching porn that you could do anything to her!
Everything takes time, and this is especially worth it.
Please keep posting on this site and asking questions. Youve got a lot of support here friend!