25 days into reboot + abstinence from weed and alcohol


New Member
I'm feeling a little bit shut down. Quite optimistic, very good.

I was actively addicted to a combination of porn, sex chat/roleplaying, orgasms, cannabis, alcohol, and cigarettes (only smoked for three months this summer - have been quit for 3 years - but 40-60 a day). Also have PIED.

Now I'm down to information, procrastination (much better now), coffee, a the occasional mild, recreational drug.

I'm managing to stay on top of work, got a place to live, meditating, doing yoga, reconnecting with people.

This is not exactly easy, but it's a lot easier than cycling through some of the worst addictions i can imagine.

I'm getting acupuncture, seeing a sexologist, going to SMART Recovery meetings, sharing and opening up to a few people close to me.

I feel incredibly good actually, and it's getting better, though I'm still pretty much shot down, I'm starting to really appreciate other people and women in particular. Not in a very sexual way, just the amazing creatures they are.

Felt like sharing. Thank you for being here :)