Does my way of masturbate equal to watch porn


Active Member
The way I masturbate is put my P between my legs and use my legs to cover up my P and it looks like a female... so I can get excited and eject.
If I did like that, should I reset my reboot period and is that equal to watch Porn since it related to vision.

I am just regret of had M like that, one months I haven's watch Porn, I hope that does not need to reset my re balance period

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ lee
Does my way of masturbating equal watching porn?

No it does not. But it isn't necessarily healthy.

First, consistently bending your penis down can over time change how your penis becomes erect. It is more natural and easier for penetration if your penis either sticks straight out when erect or pointed upwards slightly. Bending it down isn't natural.

There is a term called "Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome" when masturbating causes sexual dysfunctions. Usually this happens when guys masturbate "prone" where they jam their penis into something or the ground, creating an unnatural amount of pressure on the penis.

This too can be helped out with a reboot, but there are additional things you can do to recover from this. To learn more about this read our FAQ here, (it contains other helpful links) -

But no, masturbating without porn is not a relapse if porn is what you are trying to stay away from. They are not the same.

For more on whether or not you should masturbate read our FAQ on the basics of rebooting here -

Hope that helps. Much Love