ReBooting in Progress!


Happy New Year everyone. I first looked at Your Brain on Porn about two weeks ago and have been thinking, since then, about doing a "reboot." Now, with the new year beginning, I'm going to do it.

This is something I really want to do. I have a lot of things going on in my life at the moment and it's more important then ever to get healthy. My father is in poor health and could very well die this year. I recently quit my job--dissatisfaction, lack of meaning, purpose--and am looking for a new job/work/meaning, sense of purpose. I'm increasingly tired of feeling bad about being single, not having any kids, feeling ambivalent about my career, and realizing that my life is half over.

There's a lot in life that I want. I want so badly to have a lasting, loving relationship with a partner. Maybe even get married! I've never been married, and never had a relationship lasting more then 18 months.  In fact, this was my last relationship, which ended last year. It was then that I decided: no more f**king porn! Enough already!

A brief sketch of porn and sexual fantasy/obsession in my life: adult magazines as a child. Porn on VHS as a teenager and into my 20s, DVDs in my 30s. Voyeurism in my 30s (neighbors who'd leave their shades up while undressing, etc., I would watch). Porn in adult bookstores. And the crack cocaine: internet porn. I can't begin to quantify how much I've watched. Tons. Boatloads. So much time wasted riding the dopamine wave.

I last used internet porn in late August 2014, right around the time I broke up with my girlfriend. We'd been together 18 months. I'm sure porn played a significant role in the absence of pleasure I took in her company. I don't--at the moment--miss her, or regret breaking up, so maybe it was the right thing to do, but I've never really had an adult relationship where I wasn't also using porn. Its a wildcard. And--even since I stopped looking at IP four months ago--every time I meet a young woman, or even see one, I first scan her body, then begin to scheme.

There's a lot I'd like to do in 2015 people. Books I want to read; I want to start drawing again; improve at guitar, get some friction', regular exercise, and have some real/sustaining relationships with people--without being a victim/slave to lust.

This morning I disabled my account from an internet dating site. I will not be looking at Facebook anytime soon. I purchased a subscription to a Yoga Studio. And now I'm doing this.

Please forgive me for the very long post. I obviously have a lot on my mind and a lot of strong feeling. Feedback, thoughts, challenges, whatever: totally welcome. Happy New Year.



"I'm increasingly tired of feeling bad about being single, not having any kids, feeling ambivalent about my career, and realizing that my life is half over. "

I am right there with you.  The reboot really helps (I am in the middle of mine).  It's tough after having done PMO for so long, but keep at it.  Eventually (after a few weeks), you just start looking at women differently.  I think the objectification fades.  Don't get me wrong, I still check out women physically, but the back of my mind is thinking that I really just want to talk to this person and see if there is something there.

It's been over 90 days since I have looked at porn and I really don't miss it.  I look back now and think about how gross it really is.  How the women are mistreated and degraded.  I also wonder how many opportunities I missed because porn made be shy and socially awkward.    I am not pick-up king nor will I ever likely be, but I am starting to get confident enough to have real conversations with women that don't have a hidden agenda.


Thank-you a hundred times Barry! Very helpful to hear.
And I appreciate you reading my journal (it was a long entry).
I am going to hang in there.  I would like to be able to talk to
Women without having PTSD like symptoms!


Active Member
Welcome, Healthy.  Your goals (yoga, getting off Facebook, art, reading) sound a lot like mine. 

And you're wise for making the choice - and having the foresight - to reboot now.  I can't vouch for the frequency with which the rest of us on here have PMO'ed, but suffice to say, you've caught yourself before it could've gotten much more frequent, and that might make it easier for you to reclaim your life. 

The thing I am finding on this site and from other reading I have done is that it's not enough to remove the negative behaviors from your life, you have to replace them with positive ones.  The things you named - reading, yoga, art, etc - are certainly good ones and can help fill that void in a way that just idly avoiding tempting websites cannot.

Also, I've found that it really helps to get engaged on this site.  When I previously tried to beat my addiction, I just posted my thoughts now and then about my own situation and waited for others to chime in.  This time, I opted to be more supportive, and have tried to listen and respond to others who are hurting/sharing.  This has really opened up a sense of having a support system here for me.  And makes others more inclined to offer you support.  At the core of what we do is ego gratification (PMO, acting out), and going to sites like these and making it about "us" on a journey rather than "me" needing help has really changed my outlook as to how I can improve my chances of healing and, in doing so, helping others heal.

That's a lot of rambling, but hopefully some of it helped.  Welcome.  You're off to a great start, and you've got a clear mind about a lot of this.  Read up on all you can about how PMO affects our brains.  We're really about the business of rewiring them so that our impulses change, so that in the weeks/months/years to come, when we feel (lonely, stressed, bored, angry) we reach for a good book, our yoga mats, our running shoes, etc rather than logging in somewhere that doesn't serve us or escaping into fantasy.

Rock on, my friend.  We're here to cheer you along.



This afternoon I'm spending some time on this site reading others' posts and chiming in. I got myself a counter and decided to set it for two days ago which is the last time I M to fantasy--a no-no for me.
I could have set it to last August 26th--the last time I used P...but at the moment it's the fantasy and the M that are not healthy. Letting go of those habits is my new, current stretch.
Putting this out there: I'm going to go running today!


Well I hit a little snag today. After getting of the phone with a friend and spending about 10-15 minutes talking to him about meeting women I was pretty hyped up. I'm sure I had a strong shot of dopamine just from the conversation.
I got on the computer and joined Adult Friend Finder. Spent a few minutes looking at this, which is basically a porno site and pretty nasty.
I then deleted my account. Went into the bedroom and took care of myself.

I decided to re-set my counter, since this was the sort of dopamine stoking experience I'm trying to refrain from. Glad I didn't go all the way and just jump onto a porno site!


Respected Member
Good on ya for not following it through. Just had to whack one out to settle down those urges. A small slip, mate. Not to worry.
So now you know the trigger to look out for next time. No sexy conversations about meeting sluts on dating sites. No slut, no smut.


Active Member
Hello Healthy, How are you doing? I'd really like to read another post of yours :) I know that you can do it and that you have a wonderful life before you. I'm 45 yo and I can totally relate to what you said about having missed out big time in life. Lately I've been thinking that it's great to be in my fourties, which means I'm not in my fifities,! I don't want to think back and feel regret. I can live my life now, I won't be younger ever. Age is just a number anyway.

What about your goals? You don't need to rush things. I have altered my gym plan and work out harder than ever. It's fun to have so much energy without the P craze. I don't know if I've suggested the book "The Serenity Principle" by Joseph Bailey to you? It's been SO important for my recovery and I'm sure it'll do you good as well. Please check it out.

Be well, brother, I'm rooting for you.


Active Member
Hey Healthy in 2015,

Come back and share more, my friend.  Don't let slip-ups and stumbles keep you from your journey.  You've got a legion of folks here who have f----ed up royally (I know I have, at least) but are committed to the journey - we love having you along with us, and will do our best to cheer you on, offer insights, and just generally make you feel like a rock star for committing to sobriety.

Don't wander off.  We need you here. 