Healthy living question


Hi there,

I have been wondering about something and thought this might be a good place to pose my question. It is loosely porn-related, but more about the method we're using to kick the habit than the actual habit.

Anyway, I think a lot of you use counters to track your progress. Though there are some downsides, I have found the combination between keeping a counter and a journal to be quite effective for me.

There are some other habits I want to kick though, and some positive ones I'd like to nurture. Do any of you happen to know if there is a place where you can create counters / keep track of your healthy living goals? Ideally, I'd like to get a bunch of counters going.

Any input is welcome! Thanks in advance, and stay strong!

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ nD86
Do any of you happen to know if there is a place where you can create counters / keep track of your healthy living goals?

I'm pretty sure you can make the counter on our site say whatever you want it to say -

If you can't let me know and I'll find out how you can. Much Love


Thanks Gabe.

I have added one more, but two seems to be the maximum before you reach the character limit. Is there anyway I can circumvent that?

Also, I'm doubtful whether this is the right place to keep track of other challenges. I don't want to dilute what the community is doing here.


Hey nD86, apologies for my slow response. We don't recommend for people to put lots of counters into their signature here. It dilutes the site's mission, as you observed. And people with too many counters will also lose some benefits of public accountability because others cannot understand their counters quickly and easily.

Luckily it is now possible to create as many PMO-Tracker counters as you want for your own personal use!