5th day of reboot tenptation is everywhere


Im on my 5th day of reboot and it's hard as hell to abstain from PMO when you can access it from your phone I get so close I have the pornhub or xvideos open playing a video but then I will close it fast as hell or on instagram girls in bikini I fighting the urges every time I pick up my phone it seems like but my conscience been on my side lately telling I will regret but the cravings have me on the edge. Did I relapse when I open the video almost masturbated but it was like 10 then I stop myself ?  It's hard as temptation is everywhere. Also does anyone have any advice to help? 


Hey swift,

Congratulations on making it 5 days.  The urges for everyone is different, but for me 5 day streaks are the hardest to overcome.  I really encourage you to be free from DISGUSTING PORN for longer! :D  Note that I said free from disgusting porn instead of "abstain from porn"... its all about word choice ;D. 

I wouldn't consider looking at porn a relapse (I don't like the word relapse), but its still definitely bad, but not as much as actually PMOing, which would just re-affirm your porn-connected neurons.  The good thing is you stopped yourself, so you should be proud of yourself for doing that.  That is INCREDIBLE SELF CONTROL because man, if you put me in front of porn, I would probably PMO. 

So, yeah man, I really recommend you turn off your phone for a bit.  Go hang out with friends and family!  Not thinking about porn is still thinking about porn!  Go live your life! Porn is a distracting you from life, not the other way around! :D  Your brain is dopamine-deficient because it has grown to be so dependent on the dopamine releases from porn.  It wants a quick fix, so your brain is trying to rationalize watching porn.  You'll get through this, mate.  It gets easier!


Active Member
I've been unfollowing people on instagram who post photos that may set me back or tempt me. I recommend you do the same, if you are truly ready to leave that part of your life behind.