Need some help


New Member
Today I do 29 days, it's almost a month. Unfortunately, I relapsed yesterday and I week before too. I don't want to reset my count, because remembers me when I start to be a Fapstronaut and also starting from zero makes me sad, and anyway two times in a month are a record for me. These two relapse made understand what are the things that triggers the urge and that I'm not that strong and I need support and help in this battle, some words from you guys would be very appreciated...

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ tayler32
I do 29 days, it's almost a month. Unfortunately, I relapsed yesterday and I week before too. I don't want to reset my count, because remembers me when I start to be a Fapstronaut and also starting from zero makes me sad

Well, if you do not like the idea of a counter, try using a PMO spreadsheet. Check it out here:

Learn from your triggers and avoid them. Dust yourself off and keep going. You already proved to yourself you can go a month, good job by the way! Focus on doing healthy productive things. Focus on building new habits and try not to focus on fighting old ones.



New Member
Thank you man. You really answer at all the post :D  Great job with this forum anyway. I'll try to be active as much as I can. Hope I can help someone like you do.