Wet Dreams Every Night


New Member
I started my first reboot a few months ago and after about 3 weeks I began to have wet dreams every single night. At first it was every few nights but it soon got to the point where every morning I would wake up with a huge mess in my pants without having a sexual dream at all. After 2 months I lost my way and started PMOing again but I just started another reboot for the new year. It's been 11 days but I've already started having wet dreams every night again since day 6. I really need this to stop. It kind of zaps my energy like PMOing did because I'm still ejaculating. Any suggestions?


Hey, Dreamer, dude,
I think it is clear that it is not normal. I haven't had exactly this problem, but you may find my story useful.

When I was doing my 90 days streak ~ at day 60 I started to notice that a few drops of semen are released when I go to toilet. After that I had a very bad feeling, as if I was hit in the groin. Well to make a long story short I ended up at urinologist office with an inflamed prostate (thanks god, I am fine now). I must admit there may had been some other reasons for this, but, since my analysis were crystal clear, I myself blame no fap + rare sexual contacts.

The doctor said that I must follow the regular "sexual life tempo" (don't know how to translate it properly e.g. have sex/masturbate regularly) - at least twice a week I must empty my tanks:), keep my legs warm at winter (wear warm clothes at low temperature, not seat on snow, stone etc) and do sports. I also remember him asking me a few times, If I had long period of no sex at all and than lots of sex at short time after that.

Do you have any other unpleasant feelings/strange things happening to you?
Is it cold where you live?
Did you MOed at these 2 months?

If I were you I would watch the situation for day or two and if no - went to doctor.

I am personaly not a big fan of a long period no fap policy.