37, recently ended a near 30 year relationship with porn

So, in October of 2014, my longtime girlfriend found a receipt I had forgotten to throw away, which was for a bottle of tequila.  I had purchased it while she was out of town and never intended to tell her.  This triggered a nervous reaction in her and definitely the woman's intuition.  It's out of character of me to do this, plus we already had tequila in the cabinet, so I had some explaining to do.  I realized last year that I'm probably addicted to porn and my separate life would probably be exposed sooner than later.  So, I sat her down and explained that despite the promise 10 years prior to stop masturbating to porn, I hadn't done it.

Now, obviously she wanted to kill me, but realized there had to be something else going on.  She's amazing and I'm extremely lucky to have her.  However, I wasn't off the hook.  She wanted to know everything.  I guess when this came up before, I felt like she was being controlling.  It was my norm to look at porn and had been for a long time, so why was she being so prudish.  This time, though, I realized that it had taken its toll on my relationship and an important thing, sleep.  I worked a job that required insanely long hours for many years and I would often stay up even later looking at whatever new porn there was when my favorite sites would update.  When my girlfriend was out of town, I would be watching morning, afternoon and night, often for hours at a time, not resting.

I've since started seeing a therapist because I was exposed really young.  Thinking back, I had to be 7 or 8.  I always knew there were magazines in my parents bedroom that were off limits.  At some point, I told my cousin, who is 2 1/2 ys older, about them and we ended up looking at them.  There was a lot there.  I also ended up finding videos at some point after we had our first VCR.  Unfortunately, I have a little extra kicker to my story.  We got a video camera at some point after this and added to the stash of videos were homemade videos starring my parents.  Who wants to see this?  Well, my cousin sure did and as many times as he could.  This isn't something I recommend.  It's burned in my brain forever.  But, the videos not starring my parents were really exciting.  It was so taboo since I was barely allowed to see PG-13 movies, let alone R.  So XXX definitely created a thrill.

As we got older, there always seemed to be access somewhere.  Once my cousin was 18 he could just rent anything.  Also, one of the video stores had an automatic rental machine (pre red-box) where you selected one of the videos in the system and then it spit the thing out at you and charged your account.  Well, they had XXX right there in the list and no one was monitoring it.  More thrills.

A few years later, as the internet started to happen, it was a big deal to trade jpegs and stuff through email.  There were a lot of sites, but nothing like today.  Dial up prevented the high res quality like we have now, but it worked just fine.  My parents seemed aware, but weren't concerned because I think they were happy I was looking at women.  At this point it seemed like something to do and I didn't feel like anything close to an addiction.  I wasn't even aware that was possible.  I thought guys just did that.  I had rented videos with friends before as well and thought nothing of it.

The last couple years in college were great because I had an apartment and high speed internet.  The video codecs weren't quite there yet, so a lot of clips were broken into shorter ones and were very compressed, but man, there were sure a lot of pictures available.  For hours each night I could click through.  Luckily my grades weren't ruined by it, but I know I wasn't getting enough sleep.  Also, at this point I was also looking at guys.  There was a whole other world now opened up, too.  I have sexuality issues, but from what I'm reading about SOCD, that makes a little more sense of it all.  Having the privacy of an apartment allowed for I guess, excessive masturbation.  The previous dorm years made that nearly impossible.

So, as this isn't long enough already, I moved across the country and eventually met my awesome girlfriend.  She just isn't into porn.  So, what started to happen is excessive masturbation was messing up our sex and she asked me to stop doing it.  So, it's been an issue.  However, I wasn't aware until I started to read more about porn addiction that it can induce erectile dysfunction.  This is what has been happening.  I try to be with her and it won't work.  In front of my computer screen several times a day, everything works perfectly and for a long time.  Now that there is so much available and there are even search engines just for any kind of porn, it took me over the edge.  I was at a job I didn't like and I think I was also looking for more dopamine.  For many years because something with me felt off, my sex life has been poor.  Basically my g/f hasn't felt totally safe the way women need.  I used that as an excuse to just keep using porn.

I'm at a point in my life now where I just want any attraction to porn eviscerated.  I don't like that it's hijacked my brain and I'm also angry I didn't know that was even a possibility.  I'm in no way anti-porn.  Like alcohol, there are people who can just be moderate with it and move on.  I'm not that guy.  So, the first month without it wasn't that bad because we were on a vacation and I was able to finally be intimate with a real live girl, for real!  However, the times I'm away from her have been difficult.  Lately not as much because of what I'm reading about the brain chemistry.  However, there are triggers.  Even phrases can trigger a memory of what I used to look at.  It was such a habit to follow sites that updated several times per week to see who they had to offer.  I know the people used are just models and most people don't look like that or have sex like that.  Everything is edited and the guys have make up on, too.  HD shows everything and has made it all that much more intense.  So, in addition to searching the next thing, it's also searching the sharpest, closest angles.  So I've had to just break my routine.  This was the first time I didn't race home from the airport and fire up the computer to get started.  It feels good not to give in, but there's still that part of me that wonders what I'm missing, almost like the next episode of a tv show. 

So far, I've gone back to the gym on a more regular basis, done stuff in my apartment that needed to get done, slept more and stuff like that.  I'm only afraid that I'll replace porn with other habits like too much sugar.  I'm not cured of porn and that's why I've come to this forum, but I'm on the path to recovery I think.

neon tiger

Active Member
Welcome cinefile.  Glad you found this forum.  Its the only tool I've found that had allowed me to stay off porn by myself since i can remember. I know it will work the same for you if you really want this, and are ready to commit to the process. I relate to you when you say that you are not anti porn or anti alcohol, but it is just something you cannot moderate. I am not that guy either. And it is especially important for me to be reminded of that as i put together some amount of time between me and my last porn venture, and i don't feel the emotional and spiritual toll porn takes on me so skin deep.  Only the "good" part of it lures me now, while my memory selectively chooses not to remember the misery that came attached with it. For me, the solution lies mainly in identifying the triggers and the situations that trigger this 'craving', and learning to face and process the feelings I've been numbing with porn.  Many on here who have been able to maintain 'sobriety' from porn have approached it the same way.

I miss my favorite site too.  It's silly- its all fake names and illusions, but I am always wondering who is new there and what some of my favorites have been doing. But in 70 days, that curiosity has faded, as well as the the many, many porn images that have been burned in my mind.

Keep trucking my friend.  It is possible, and worth it.
Thanks neon tiger.  I appreciate the encouragement.  There are still cravings, especially when alone and I guess it will be that way for awhile.  I ended up clearing files off another external drive I had porn files still stored on.  I didn't even look at them for old times sake because that would make me have to start back at zero.  It felt good to clean up the drive.  I guess the information online about how much porn hijacks your brain has been the most helpful.  I feel it starting to change.  I didn't even know being exposed at an early age, especially to my parents, was "trauma".  Therapy has helped with that.


Delete absolutely everything. And stay away from the cravings to 'just check' your favorite sites. That is how these porn companies hook you. You get to the point that you have to 'just check' and fall back into the habit. Or you can accidentally find files you had forgotten you had. This can be bad.

I tell myself that there is nothing on those sites that can't be replaced by better experiences in real life!  When I'm alone I find other movies to watch, people to call, things to do.  It's hard at first but eventually you start to get the hang of it. I really do believe that we will fight the trigger response for the rest of our lives. Learn to accept it and say "NO".

You are above all of this and can kick the habit. Do it for her, do it for you.


Hey man, really interesting to read your storey. It sounds like you're taking some positive steps and you seem to have a good perspective on your situation. As stated if you have the motivation we can all succeed. Post on here when you feel the urge and don't be too hard on yourself. It may take sometime to reboot, but you can get there. Best of luck  :)


Active Member
Hey Cinefile,

Porn took its toll on my marriage too. I would go for hours at various points in the day whether she was in the house or not. I got very good at hiding my habits. My lack of rest made me irritable and I would lash out when I wanted to get my fix and she wouldn't leave me alone. I drove the wedge deeper and soiled the sanctity of my marriage every time that I indulged in PMO. I'd blame everyone and everything but myself for the problems in our marriage.
I started out our union with the commitment to quit porn and online chatting as well. Just like you I couldn't keep my promise. When our relationship and sex life proved that it couldn't fill the emptiness I felt inside I turned back to porn and chatting. Things went steadily downhill and she urged that we seek marriage counseling. I refused, and sent her to a therapist instead while I continued the behaviors to numb myself. Fast forward and here I am, right with you, trying to pick up the pieces. It hasn't been easy but I have made some important self discoveries. The answers you're seeking can be found with the help of your brothers here. It is a great place to start your journey and I welcome you on your path of sobriety.

Never lay down because you might not have the chance to get back up.
Thanks chiefmitch. It's a strange thing since I can't and wont just give in and go back, feeling the emotional lows just sucks. It's almost nauseating. I've been on a good streak since October of no PMO. I think the toll it took on my head was worse than I thought. I'm definitely not in the clear. I don't find myself jonesing for the content as much as the rush. I'll get into this with my therapist.  Surely this will pass. I'm not sure if it's just a leap of faith I took in my career, addiction or a combination that's making me feel down. I even got bronchitis. I'm 37 and have never had it. So until this is clear I can't get out and move like I'd like.
So I'm now almost 5 months into this reboot. I've been successful but it's still not easy. There are triggers everywhere. The therapy sessions are good but I've found it most helpful to be talking to a friend when I'd normally have been looking at P. Talking seems to have taken my thoughts elsewhere. My friend knows what I'm going through, but luckily isn't going through it himself so it's not a situation that could lead down the wrong path as far as influence.

So, if anyone is having a hard time initially with the reboot, find someone to talk to, literally about anything.

I've also gotten back into the gym mode. This is helpful because it gets me out of the house and makes me have to shower and cool down once I get home. The exercise also helps me not feel so low and I feel accomplished doing it, especially since I'm not into sports.

Also, I've been able to focus on projects I want to do. I would never have done any of this if I continued to spend all my time with P.  It's been worth the effort, but it still takes effort.