porn has taken so much from us, let's take some back


Active Member
Hey all,

I originally posted the following in my journal, and someone suggested I put it here, for everyone to be able to see, and have a chance to join in on, if you're interested, join the pledge, and comment below to show you're doing it.


I had an excellent idea today, and I want to share what I've committed to.  If I do relapse, not only will I reset my counter, but I will do my part to destroy the porn industry, while at the same time, helping to keep myself committed to this journey with some risk of pain if I do not.

Here's my idea:

Whenever I relapse, I will donate $25 to the Pink Cross Foundation (

This will both help to ensure that the porn industry is being destroyed one former performer at a time, as well as keeping me honest, because I will know I have to fork over $25 if I don't stay strong.

I think this is a great way to give ourselves motivation as well as helping to put an end to porn.

I never saw a problem with porn, beyond the fact that it had messed up my life, before I began reading accounts of former porn stars, many of whom got started in the business, unwillingly by child sex acts.  I think I've missed this part of why porn cannot be an option.

Not only are we affected because our brains get fucked up.

Not only are we affected because we damage the relationships we're in.

Not only are we affected because we get desensitization problems.

But, in addition, the porn stars themselves usually end up committing suicide and are unbelievably miserable.

The porn industry likes to make all these things hidden and make it seem all glamorous and innocent and fun, but it's not for us affected by it, and it's not for those trapped in it.

So, this is my commitment, I hope you guys will also consider this, so we can fund the fight on porn.


Respected Member
What an excellent idea!
Porn really is a cancer in this world. It needs to be stamped out.
By not watching porn we change for the better. This has a ripple effect in the world around us. We become kinder, more tolerant, more optimistic, I could go on and on. This has a profound influence on people we come in contact with and we can make their lives a little brighter :D
Quit porn to benefit not only yourself but the world around you.

Mr. Fappy


Active Member
I think this is an awesome idea.  And if $25 is too much for some, they can make it $10 or $5, or whatever.  But it's a great idea to have a specific consequence to a relapse or slip-up, and it's a worthy cause also.

Nice one, ntg.


Active Member
Definitely a good way to keep on the straight and narrow.  However, I might caution other posters to not make the same mistake I did and browse too long on the pink cross website, precisely stay away from the websites video section.  There is atleast one video that could easily trigger a porn addict in recovery. 